FBI Takes Charge

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FBI agents have came in and flew the Rollins to an undisclosed location.
My teams have been working along side of the FBI to extract the Rollins family to a unknown location. We are not to discuss them with anyone. Everyone that came into contact with them recently only say they were killed in a car wreck after leaving the state for parts unknown. We all have to agree to this for our safety and the Rollins safety.
All of us are brought into an auditorium and we are given complete instructions and everything is deleted from everywhere. It is like the Rollins didn't exist.
Omg I am so glad we aren't going to be involved in this anymore. They are hopefully going to be safe from now on. They are even taking the three people who tried to kidnap Joey and her babies with them. They are getting information from them. A two hour lecture and we leave knowing no one and nothing. I send the security teams back to work. Ana and mom hug and kiss me and everyone goes back to normal. 
Three months later we hear that the FBI, CIA and Scotland Yard have busted a major international human trafficking ring. It hit the news along with several companies were closed in our state at the same time. Thank God I had no interest in them. The. The big hit took place, but they might not have said the company was behind human trafficking in the news, but they had connections that were deep underground. I refused to deal with them ever. We found out later that a cousin of mr Rollins was involved and he was asked to grab Joey. They threatened to kill the whole family if he didn't turn her over.
Peace at last...............We thought
Elliott has a romantic dinner waiting for me at home thanks to Ethan and Mia. I think he is jealous of his siblings having children although he enjoys his nephews greatly. Ana decided to open her own practice after the fiascos at the hospital. Christian was thrilled. Carrick thought Grace should as well. I went to see Dr Green and she said that I was very pregnant. I am three months along and they are big boys. Two of them. So tonight when Elliott begs me to get pregnant I will make his day.
I am getting Kate in the mood to grant me my wish for a baby. Mia and Ethan are doing great in the catering business and have grown by leaps and bounds. Lily and Paul Clayton have been busy and what they don't eat the shelter gets leftovers. They also get donations of clothing as well. Any events they cater for they ask for clothing donations for the homeless. I finally had to build a place to hold the clothing donations. We aren't buddy buddy with the Claytons, but we see all they do and help them with it all.
Well I was hoping we were done with having babies, but Mother Nature decided to give us a bonus set of twins and of course Ana gained butt weight and barely any tummy weight. They weighed six pounds and 22 inches long. I got snipped after they were born. At 36 I am done. So is Ana, she grins as I say this. Elliott is begging Kate for kids. I told him we will share. Kate snickered and he pouted. Ana can't keep a baby secret. But she informed me that Kate is three month along with twin boys.
Let's see if Christian an keep that a secret lol
I saw Kate at Dr Greens office and She spilled the beans about twin boys. Carrick knows when I have good news and he pesters me until I tell him. The smile on his face will give it away. Mia guessed it, but told no one. She said skate had all the signs.
We have boys all over the place, Eric, Allen, Josh, and James  are 14 going on 35. Sophie is enjoying The other girls toddling around and playing beauty parlor.
After having triplets I was done and tried to get Ethan to get snipped. He refused, so here I am due in three months it is multiples, but they are not showing anything to us at all. These are it for us. Mom says I am creating my own catering crew. Ethan just laughs.
I am in heaven and our triplets are amazing. We have family events weekly so the kids can have fun with each other. Mom and dad are really enjoying all the family fun. Christian decided to expand his properties and buy the ones around him and create a huge area for homes and playgrounds and event areas. He says that we have one place for everyone, I think he just likes that everyone comes to his place.
The family has grown big and strong. We now have adopted three orphans when their parents died in a wreck. Twin six year old girls Tina and Mina, a 8 year old Charles. Janet passed away a year after the adoption. So I am a single dad like Ray. We go on double dates with a couple of the CPOs Christian hired a while back. Sarah Green and Jessie Thomas. They come over on their time off. Marriage is a ways off for Ray and I, but we are shopping for rings. I just hope they are the marriage minded kind of ladies.
I whisper in Elliott's ear, you are going to be the father of twin boys in six months.
I pick Kate up and swing her around and we have a very sexually charged night.
I watch as Kate and Elliott are passing out an envelope each. I think everyone already knows, but we let them tell us. I look around at what Grace and I have built family wise and smile at my beautiful wife.
I see Carrick appreciate the family we helped build and smile at him in wonder. We all open the sonogram of Elliott and Kate's twin boys. Elliott and Kate are in seventh heaven. Just as they are starting we are enjoying the fruits of my life with Carrick.
The beginning of the next generations
The end I hope you enjoyed what I wrote.

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