Reality Bites

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Detective Duncan
When things happen that we can't explain, we can't solve the crime. The kidnapping was well planned originally. Then the same girl gets kidnapped again after being released by a homeless shelter just as she is giving birth and she gives birth to twins. Then after they are given a good chance to survive there is an attempt to kidnap all three of them. How did they find her? Nothing was released about her and the twins. I ask if she had anything in her room that she had when she was dumped and ended up at the hospital.? We head over and ask for her possessions and what we found was a nap sack with tracking devices in it. I ask to have the babies checked for tracking devices as well. They found tiny trackers in the heart shaped birthmarks. They were removed. We took the babies and Joey and scanned them thoroughly. Okay this case just got huge. I have to make a call and bring in the FBI. I am limited in what I can do in this case. We have three young people in custody and they aren't talking.
Dr Grey
Listen detective Duncan we are moving Joey to a suite with her twins after we remove the trackers from them. My son has security teams here and they are going to be here until the three are safe. If you have any ideas you should let us know. We don't want anything to happen to anyone. So what aren't you telling me?
Detective Duncan
I am going to tell you something you may already suspect but can't prove. Human trafficking is around and they are getting more sophisticated and more creative in how they go about getting their product as they call them. Sadly Joey and her twins are their products. How and who released her and her babies is anyone's guess. But they are either dead or they found a way out. Please be careful and make sure of everyone else's safety. Trust very few unknowns. Whoever dumped Joey by the homeless shelter knew it was a safe place. So they trusted them to do the right thing. Please advise them to be careful.
Dr G Grey
Omg Lily has had her baby the day of the attempted kidnapping. They are home by now.
Detective Duncan
Now they know the nursery is an easy place to get into and out of they will try again and next time other babies. The market brings in big money for the top players. I know you don't like hearing this but tighten up all security around easy targets. I need to get the FBI involved and from there we have to try to figure out what anyone can give us information wise. At this point we think whoever placed the trackers had training of some kind. They might even work in the medical field and even work here or another medical facility. We have searched the areas where she was originally taken and then where we think she was dumped. Unfortunately the traffic in that area is high at that time of day.
Mr Grey I think you need to know something and it is rather urgent and is very dangerous. Apparently the FBI has been alerted regarding the kidnapped girl because of the second attempt on not only her, but the twins as well. There were three of them. They found her and the twins with trackers under their skin. We need to find out more about those trackers, I feel like human trafficking is involved, but can't get a straight answer from anyone.
Christ, is my family safe?
Well Ana was able to stop Joey and the babies from being kidnapped, because Paul Clayton interrupted him trying to get past Ana with Joey. She called the nursery and had them check the twins. They caught all three of the kidnappers. But they found trackers under their skin and in Joeys nap sack.
Make sure we have security around my family at all times. I think we need to find out just how bad this situation is. I have Taylor gather further information on the down low. I can't chance mom and Anas safety.
I am in a nice suite and my twins are in the room along with a nurse and a doctor that are new to me. My parents are relaxing and checking the babies out. Suddenly three burley guys enter the room with Dr G Grey following behind them. Then three other men come in. One guy kisses Dr G Grey on the cheek.
I introduce myself to Josephine And her parents. I explain who I am and that my mom and wife are treating their daughter and grand babies. I explain that the men with me are security and will make sure they are safe from now on. I introduce Taylor and let him explain why security is needed. My mom explains there will be only certain staff treating Josephine and her babies and if any unauthorized medical staff enters they end to push the panic button for help.
Mr Rollins
So basically they are looking out for our safety as well as others who are involved in my daughter and grand babies care.?
Mrs Rollins
I can't believe she has been through so much and still going through more. Can you tell us anything at this point?
At this point we know as much as you do. Tomorrow you will be checked over to make sure you are okay. They are checking for trackers again. We suspect someone infiltrated the staff and we are going to find them. If you guys don't see me or these guys with us call the panic button. We have two females joining tomorrow. They are here for your safety. I am head of GEH International and National Security Departments.
Any questions? I have to meet with my wife and I will be back.

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