The Big Event And Big Slut

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Mom has been overseeing all the dresses and the bridal parties. My hair is done and Everything is running smoothly so far. You know how it feels when you just sense the other shoe is going to drop at any time. Mom says it's just nerves, the photographers are snapping away and have gotten pictures of the wedding parties getting primped and prodded. We have to get all the bridal party photos taken and the shoe is dangling. Gia has changed the neckline of her dress. Mom has decided to eliminate her as a bridesmaid. We have decided to have Ana stand in because her dress is close in color to the bridesmaid dresses. We put her in the middle where Gia was going to be. I think if Gia behind over her boobs will fall forward and out. She explains that she has them taped to prevent them from falling out. I tell her I don't freaking care, she changed the dress after the last fitting. I am livid and she thinks I should chill out. It is my damn wedding not hers.when I ask her to wear the dress the way we had it at the last fitting then she should damn well do what the bride asks of her. Anyone with class would know the brides the one who counts on decisions on their bridal parties attire.
I am asked to take Gias place in the bridal party and photos. Grace said Kate is pretty disgusted with Gia and she has asked me to replace her in the bridal party. According to Grace my dress is very close in color to the other bridesmaids dress. So I join them in the atrium to get photographed with the bridal party. Gia is walking around with her belly button showing. She should be standing in the red light district rather than at a wedding much less as a bridesmaid. I think she should leave and if it weren't for the fact that she is a cousin. She would be tossed out on her ear. She is mad that Kate is putting me in her place. Her mother is also livid with her and told her that she knew better,but still did this to get back at Kate. I guess Elliott dated her not long before he decided to date Kate. Elliott failed to mention that to Kate. I am just waiting to get the flowers and walk down the aisle with a groomsman.
We heard whispers about Ana having to take Gias place as a bridesmaid. Apparently she changed her dress in such a way that there was no way she could be in the wedding.
I had a feeling she would pull this crap, but was praying she wouldn't try to screw up the wedding. I tell Christian and the guys that I dated Gia and broke up with her six months before dating Kate. She didn't believe me. So now she is trying to ruin the wedding. I can't believe this, I tell Christian we might need to have security escort her out.
Only you would have this happen at your wedding. Let me have Taylor send someone to check with Kate to see if we need to have her removed. I have to say eloping was the best decision we ever made. Elliott says he tried, but Kate and her mom nixed the idea.
Okay guys photo time. We get all the photos taken very quickly and we are led to the altar. I go take my seat next to Grace. My sons look very nice and very grown up. I ask where Ana is at. No one told me that Gia was removed from the wedding party because of her drastic change to the bridesmaid dress she had. It apparently was worse than what a hooker might wear.
I must not be in labor today. I must not be in labor today. We finally get the flowers from Gia. Security had to escort her out finally. Her mother was pretty angry at her as well. We are led to the carpet and the best man leads Jana down. Christian winks at me as he walks her down and then I am next with the groomsman, then the next two. Kate and her dad finally.
I am finally here and Elliott is saying he is so sorry. He can't help what Gia does. We finally get through the vows and we dance all the dances we are supposed to and get the photos of all the wedding party. Then all the family members. We cut the cake. The cake is different flavors in each layer for a six layer cake seven if you include the anniversary layer with the bride and groom on top. Finally the bouquet tossing happens. Gia has slipped back in and grabbed the bouquet. Then we do the garter throw.
I know about Gia, and I know she has set her sites on Christian before. So I have security keep an eye on her and Taylor has someone watching me and Christian throughout the wedding. The catering us spot on. Mia is very uncomfortable and I am as well. I am nudged and see Christian holding his hand out for a dance. We walk onto the dance floor and they play our wedding song. We dance around and my dad asks to dance with me. While we are dancing I see Gia make a beeline to Christian. He shakes his head no and she grabs him and tries to drag him unto the dance floor. He motions for security to remove her yet again.
Listen Gia I am not dancing with you, I said  no and no means no. Get your hands off me now.
Oh come on Christian you know you want to dance with me. Hell you know you want me now let's dance now. Your fat cow of a wife can't satisfy you and look at what I am offering you. I flash him my boobs. He has security take me home this time.
Gia my wife is pregnant due any day, her butt isn't large it is the right size. She is barely showing. But you come here to ruin Elliott's wedding then think you can get me in the sack get real. I know your reputation I need a Lysol shower after you touched me.
Hey fatso Ana he will be mine soon. So be aware I will soon have him.
Gia you can't get a homeless man because they know your reputation and are afraid of what you might give them disease wise.
We have our meal after the trash is taken home. We open the family gifts and find my parents have paid for an I ground pool at our new home. Mia and Ethan have waved half their catering fees for the wedding. Christian and Ana have bought Kate and I sports cars one with pink trim and one with blue trim. They are waiting in the garage at home.
Omg I can't believe you got us each a car. I figured you might get us one to share. We start wrapping it up when Anas water breaks and Mia plays follow the leader. Both Ana and Mia wave bye to us and tell us to keep with our honeymoon plans. We head out the same time the two ambulances take Ana and Mia to the hospital. Ana delivers twins within an hour of arriving at the hospital. Both weigh about four pounds each. Twin girls Samantha Lynn and Rose Audrey Grey. Mia surprises everyone with triplets, she kept it secret from everyone. Ethan knew and that is why she was micromanaging from home. She gave birth to three identical boys. Ethan Jr, Evan Carrick, Edward Joseph Kavanagh Grey. All born ten days early. They were born on my wedding day. The biys weighed about five pounds each. All babies were healthy moms resting comfortably.

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