Josephine Rollins?

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Andrew Rollins father of missing daughter Josephine Rollins
We got word a girl fitting my daughters description has been hospitalized and we are needed to come and ID her.
Gemma Rollins
Josephine has been missing for over a year. She didn't leave a note, she was late coming home from school. We are two miles from her school.but the walk home is isolated. We drove down the way she might have taken home. No one saw her walk by, but the homes set very far back. The police think she just ran off. They were very insensitive to our plight. She pretty much disappeared without a trace. She was held behind at school and missed her bus and rides from her friends. Her brother drove up and down any and all roads and her dad went another route. He stopped at all the homes to ask if they saw Joey. She will be 16 on her birthday this year. I pray this is her.
Dr Green
I took the nap sack and the baby clothing from the Claytons. I checked in on our patients. I look in the nap sack and see new baby things and some clothes that seemed to need cleaned. In a small pocket there was fifty cents. I call the police about any young girls missing in the last couple of years possibly. CPS was alerted just in case we need foster care. We have a good foster family that can take up to five children including babies. So we are set if we need them.
Policewoman Deidre Carrigan
I pull the records of the missing children families and came up with two missing around the same age. Paul Clayton said he thought  he knew the girl from around his families home. I found out that Josephine Rollins was indeed  missing and she fit the description and time frame. So I called them to come and ID her.

Sixteen months ago.
Josephine Rollins missed her bus and all her friends had gone already, she attempted calling her family to pick her up, no one answered.
I usually walk home the two miles and have no issues today was not the case. I hear a vehicle coming up behind me and I walk towards the drive of a home nearby. They keep going so I wait and head out again. Just as I get to the next drive I am jumped from behind and something is thrown over my face and body. I am thrown into something metal. I notice a string smell over where my mouth is and everything goes black.
My face is covered and I can't move at all. I have no idea where I am or how long I have been here. I am stripped of all clothing and chained to something. I am placed on a toilet and told to use it and flush. I am blindfolded and barely conscious. They hose me down and pour liquid soap over me daily. They feed me and give me water sparingly. I believe the person talking to me is not the one moving me around. I am knocked out again. I am somewhere else, I am on a bed again blindfolded and chained to something. Someone leads me to the toilet and orders me to use the toilet. The put me in a tub of warm water and wash all parts of me. Something feels wrong about how they are washing me. I am fed and music is playing. I fall asleep again and suddenly someone is on top of me and hurting me they are raping me. Whoever it is keeps entering me over and over again until he is done and gets off of me. I am bathed and fed and allowed to brush my teeth finally. This continues for I don't no how long. I don't know how long I have been here, but the man is the same every time. I get bathed and cleaned before and after each raping of me. I am fed and given water two times a day.
Something happens and they dress me and put shoes on me, my stomach is swollen and I am in great pain. I am drugged again and I black out, I finally feel air in my face but my stomach is painful. I stumble into a homeless shelter carrying a filthy nap sack. I pass out and feel and see blood running down my legs and something is making me push. I can't breathe and fall face first to the floor grabbing as I fall. I hear noise and someone is doing something down there. I can hear, but can't breathe. I feel pain everywhere.
I follow the policewoman and the dr to see if this is my daughter, Andrew is next to me. They open the door and we see Joey hooked to all kinds of machines and tubes and IVs. There is no doubt this is our daughter. Her birthmark of a heart is on the left side of her neck.
That's our daughter Joey. The heart birthmark is the proof as he pulls out the last photo we had of her.
Dr Green
We have news other than your daughter has a long recovery time. You have grand babies a boy and a girl. They are in the nick and getting better as well. Do you want to see them? We had trouble getting a rape kit done, but she was raped repeatedly Isay after we leave Joeys room.
Omg is she going to be okay? Have you tested her for STD and aids and anything else? Do you have a therapist on staff that can help my daughter?
Dr Green
Dr Greys daughter in law is a psychiatrist and can work with Joey when she is ready. Her name is Ana Grey. Dr Grace Grey is one of  the attending that did the intake of Joey and the babies. I performed a cesarean on Joey to deliver her son. Her daughter was born when Joey stopped breathing and then her daughter stopped breathing as well. The Claytons saved them both and called 911 and worked hard u til they got there. They keep in contact to make sure all three are okay. I know you will have a lot more questions as we go through everything. Always ask it is better to be informed that not be.
Dr Grace Grey
I am checking out my patients and dr Green introduces me to the twins grandparents. I tell them that both are doing better than we expected them to considering everything that happened to them. I lead them to the twins both have heart shaped birthmarks exactly where their mother has one. I explain that they should be out of the NiCu in a week if they keep getting better. They have gained two ounces each which is good. They are still being fed through a tube and they have IV fluids and antibiotics as well. Their lungs are doing better and their hearts are good as well. For the most part their mother was nearly starved to death by her captors.
Someone held her hostage all this time?
Dr Grey
Yes sir she was held hostage and hurt pretty badly and dumped while she was giving birth. She had been drugged and dumped near the homeless shelter on Shelby Street.

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