Joey Meets Ana

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Dr Ana Grey
I have been called in to help on a teen patient who was kidnapped, raped and gave birth to her captors babies. This is a very hard case. Grace is one of the Er doctors and has remained involved in the cases. There is a big team of doctors on this girls case. I have spoken to her family about what they might expect when she awakens. The couple that revived her and daughter at the scene are talking to her family everyday. Of all people Lily Lincoln is now Lily Clayton, she and her husband were working at the homeless shelter when Joey came in bleeding and fainted and stopped breathing. Grace said she definitely has changed since everything happened. She actually apologized to me. She is pregnant and due in a month. She also is seeing a psychiatrist as well, she was abused by Elena. She wants to be an attorney, but might also take medical courses to be of help to the homeless. Apparently once she started working at the shelter she changed for the better and works there full time. Her husband recognized Joey and that is how they found her family so quickly. After seeing her with the family, she offered to find preemie clothes for the babies. She brought clothes in for Joey as well.
I like visiting the babies and they are better and have been moved into the regular nursery. Joey finally woke up, she panicked at first. Ana came in and introduced herself and brought the staff in to meet her one at a time. She still has to use the feeding tube until she can eat soft foods. I listen as Ana asks if she wants to talk alone or with others in the room.
Joey wants others to hear her story and has signed papers stating just that. We allow her to say what she recalls to the police. The police think the person has done this before. They think she was being watched for a while. We let her talk and make sure she is comfortable. We have finally told her about having twins a boy and a girl. She is devastated and we leave her with her parents. I have coached the parents about what to expect and be supportive of any choice she makes. A lot of people don't keep babies of rape. Joey hasn't seen them yet. She knows her parents will support her choices one way or the other. I explain their are zoster parents vying to help out with the babies until she decides what she wants. But I make sure she knows it is her choice alone. She actually has very nice parents. I think they want her home safe babies or not.
I have went into labor while visiting Joey. Good place to be.
Lily tells me she is in labor and the dr has arrived and she is getting close to delivery. I tell dad and we have someone take our place and off we go.
Okay Paul you did this to me so you get to hold my hands.
Three hours of iron gripping my hands and Lily has our son Jeremy Addison Clayton. He is six pounds and twenty inches long and loud. Lily tells me to let Joey know where she is. So I head to Joeys room, I hear screaming and run into her room. Some guy is pulling her it's out and her tubes out. I call for help and take a swing at him. Suddenly there are three big guys cuffing the asshole.
I walk in and calm Joey down. I ask if she wants a sedative? It will calm you without putting you to sleep. She refuses and I get the staff in to put the tubes back in and her IVs back in after she us cleaned up. What is strange is that the tub is filled with soapy water.
If Paul hadn't came in the guy might have gotten her out if there, Grace comes in and tells me they had a kidnap attempt of the twins. Some teenage girls tried to get the twins. They went straight to them.
We keep a watch on all the babies, but they found a way into the nursery. I think we need more security something is not right about all of this situation. We have the girls in custody, the guy is older, but not by much. Ana I think we need to move Joey and the babies to a safer environment.
Lily sent Paul to tell Joey she had their son, otherwise the guy would have gotten Joey out of here. What do you recommend Grace? The guy was a big guy, we think they are the ones who kidnapped her. If not them then someone involved in it.
Is there a private hospital she can be moved to so she and the babies will be safe?
Yes there is, but she still isn't stable. The babies still need another week or so in the nursery. Let's get some if Christians guys to guard her and the babies in one of the suites.
Hey baby what's up?
We had an event today with Joey and her twins. All three were nearly kidnapped today. Your mom thinks it might be a good idea to get help from our security staff and move her and the twins into a suite to keep them safe. You think you can arrange it?
Of course baby, be careful okay?
I will be love you, let me know who you are sending here and have them verified. The guy was big that tried to get Joey. Teen girls tried to get the twins.
I will send Taylor and Sawyer over with a team and tell mom yo get the suite ready. Be careful Ana I love you and our children do too.

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