A New Position

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I finally got my license and my internship is over. A research position was offered to me on top of a position in the psyche department. I was able to do both they allowed me to work at both. The research is working with children with constant nightmares. This requires me to work three nights at the sleep studies lab. Then I work three days in the psyche department. I have Sundays off that day is all about my family.
Ana has been working her butt off at the hospital and now she is finally going to have a regular day off. Sunday's are going to be great. The Roberts are joining us for the day. The boys are getting older and are celebrating their ninth birthday. Ana wants to have a birthday party for them and inviting all their friends. She has no idea the work that entails, but anything for the boys and her. Ana is devoted to her boys and her family and then her work. I love my daughter, but she needs to find a good father for the boys. As long as he loves her and the boys.
Christian and I came to the opening of the new research building and greeted the day staff and the heads of the research departments. We took a tour and congratulated them for their work in getting their work done. We have lunch and Christian takes off after making plans to join us for a Sunday on his boat. He relaxes when he out on the boat.
I am happy for the research building as long as it helps kids suffering from nightmares. Mom is thrilled and the staff seems efficient and kind. The environment was geared towards all ages. I asked mom if we could get everyone out on the boat on Sunday. I am looking forward to being on the boat with the family. I had my PA Edward, after Andrea decided to stay home with her baby the only applicant who passed her scrutiny was a man. All the women looked at me like I was water in the desert after they had been there for days. Two actually tried to kiss me. Good thing video and sound is running in my office and their claims of sexual harassment were thrown out of court. Charges were filed against them.
Ethan and I agreed to Sunday on the boat. However his sister Kate is in town after attending an interview for a job. So she's coming with us. She is fresh out of a long time relationship and lived in NYC. She has already moved out and into our home until she gets her own place. I am glad we have a big home and plenty of room. Unfortunately she's messy, Ethan and I aren't the neatest either, but we do keep the common areas neat at all times. Who knows she might fall for Christian or Elliott, both are single and ready to mingle.
Christian called and invited me out on the boat Sunday. It's about time, he won't let me take her out unless he is on it. Says my skanks aren't allowed on his boat. After I stayed at his penthouse a few of my guest made themselves too much at home. I guess some of his clothes were missing. Some were in a pile in a puddle of water in his bathroom. And his shampoo was gone along with his expensive body wash. His robes were missing. So I am not allowed to bring guests to his place ever again. He also complained  about the food containers and trash everywhere in the media room. The pool table had to be re felted  due to fluid damage on it. The piano had to be repaired as well. Mom and dad were as angry as Christian about my gal pals doing all that. It was when he had to go to Japan for a month. He had to stay at a hotel after he saw the damages done. He had his housekeeper bring in a cleaning crew and had her check for damages. Luckily staff quarters weren't accessible to them. Only staff can access staff quarters. The codes were changed after they found one of my pals living there. She had gotten the codes by watching me key them in. Let's just say even his room for Mia was emptied of all her things. Altogether they stole and damaged nearly five hundred thousand dollars total. He took the hit and Mia didn't, she got my black Amex and replaced everything with new items. She really dented it. She showed me the receipts for the items in Christians room for her. Christian said he would take it out in construction costs at his new house on the sound.
Man, Mia has been upset about the losses of the one of a kind items in her room at Christian. I personally think she gets spoiled way too much by her brothers. I think Elliott should pay for all the things he and his gal pals did to Christians penthouse. I said as much, but Christian said Elliott is going to work it off in working on his new place on the sound. So I let it go, but I am having a private talk about his womanizing and bringing less than trustworthy women to his or his brothers home. I know Grace feels the same way. Christian trusted all of us with access to his penthouse. Luckily his office in his home has deadbolts on it. Security had locked everything up, so no one could get into any really sensitive things.
I am nearly to the Grace when I notice a family walking around looking at the boats. One of the women look familiar, but I can't place her. Everyone is waiting for us, I brought Gail, Taylor and Sophie out to enjoy the boat. I have a crew doing the food and drink along with driving the boat. I plan on relaxing completely. I notice the family boarding a small boat near the pier. The brunette has a nice figure. I see Grace waving at her, she goes to greet her and mom introduces dad to her and then she introduces two young boys and two older men and a woman to my parents. We finally park and head to the boat. I look at the family as their ropes are being pulled onto the boat and they head out. I board and greet my parents, Mia, Ethan and Kate is introduced to me. She couldn't make the wedding so we never met her.
I decide to bring a date today, she kind of pushed herself into the invite. Gia Matteo is doing a high end job on a project that the owner wanted her and only her on the project. She is a easy lay, but not marriage or girlfriend material. But she stuck to me like glue after the meeting with my client this morning. Of course I nailed her afterward, she heard my plans for the day and pretty much hooked and invite. I park the car and open her door and the trunk. She brought extra swimwear and clothing. She came prepared for the day on a boat. She even brought sunscreen and lotions.
I finally got an invite to a Grey family outing. I will definitely see Christian today. I am making the most of this day. I brought my sexiest suit. We board and I am introduced to the whole family. Christian nods at us as he instructs the crew to get underway. He sits by his parents and make a beeline to the seat next to him. Elliott takes my things down below. Elliott sits by me and the blonde sits next to him. It turns out she is Kate Kavanagh sister to the brother in law. She's living with her brother and Mia for now. I start chatting Christian up and try touching him here and there he finally moves to another seat far away from me. He gets up to take a call and goes into the cabin. I decide to make my move and change into a skimpy suit and hang out around where he is. He ignores me so I get next to him and accidentally rub against him like I am trying to get passed him to get a drink. He goes inside a door and locks the door. He must have text Elliott , because he comes down and hangs around until I decide to go back on deck.
Christian sent me a message telling me to come get my friend, she is touching him with more than her hands. Her ass and boobs were in play in a barely there swim suit. I saw exactly what he meant when I joined her in the galley. Gia finally heads back up without me. I knock on the door of the master suite and Christian unlocks it and checks for Gia. He pretty much told me to never let her join me to any place he will be again.
I can't believe Gia has been all over me today. She rubbed her ass and her boobs all over me acting like she was trying to get something. I know exactly what she wants and she's not getting it ever. It is very obvious what kind of female she is and I don't like those kind of women at all. This will be the last time she is invited on my boat or any other family event if I have my way.

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