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I can't seem to get enough of Ana,but she has very little free time and spends her free time with her family. She has invited me for dinners and outings and I have invited her and her family to places. Her sons have friends that nearly live at their home. Their single mothers just allow them to stay with her. She makes sure they do their school assignments along with her sons. They can't get away with anything around her or her family. The Roberts are there a lot. But Ana was very clear that it is a package deal. We have finally gotten a weekend away. Ana says this will be a first for her to be away for the weekend. But her dad and the Roberts insisted on giving us alone time. Especially after one of the mothers showed up at dinner and cornered me in the bathroom. To say it was not only embarrassing, but the poor boy saw his mother half dressed and trying to unzip my fly while I was pushing her off me. Ray and Ana saved me from her. She was asked to leave and never come back. They allowed her son to stay though and had a talk with her son and the other children about the whole situation. They also stated even though their mother was never allowed in her home again. They were always welcome in their home. That is when her family t9ld us to take a weekend to ourselves.
I am shocked that this child's mother would attack Christian in my bathroom. Dad and I had to restrain her and give Christian a chance to calm down she was trying to rape him. Her boobs were out and let's just say I had no idea boobs could look that bad. We threw her outa d told her not to come back. She found out that Christian spends a lot of time with me and my family and decided to invite herself to dinner. She nearly sat on his lap at the table. He excused himself and she did shortly after that. Ray and I asked the family to stay and finish eating and went and found her cornering Christian in the bathroom. Luckily I carry one of those things that unlock the doors through the knobs and got inside. Dad pulled her backwards and I got myself in between her and Christian. We made her get out and never come back. Believe it or not she didn't bother taking her child when she left. We spoke to him and told him that his mom was no longer allowed in our home he is welcome here. We never let the boys go to their homes and for great reasons. She has too many male friends and some are abusive. She is like my mother always looking for something better but finding worse.
We have got everyone calmed down and finally we decide Ana and Christian need a couple of days by themselves so we decide to do an outing ourselves and asked the friends to join us as well, since they are here anyway. Janet and Edward have a few ideas for us to do with the kids. All of them have to have their assignments done and we reward them with a Disney trip. After we got the mom out of our home we decide to have a talk to her son and let him know that although his mom was unwelcome he was always welcome here. We had noticed bruises on him and thought it would be best to let him stay here. I called my attorney about this situation and the news isn't good at all. The mom could prevent him from coming over and we couldn't do anything about it. Josh and James said CPS has the boy on their radar. I had no idea until after my call to the attorney. So I called him back and he did some research. He thinks we should become foster parents and if anything happens we can have him live with us.
I can't believe a mother would do that with her son close by. Luckily Ray and Ana saved me from her. Her son thank God was oblivious to it all. She left and didn't take him with her. I leave the room after talking to Ana about the last name of the woman and the boys last name. Ray said he thinks she found out I was there because my driver was sitting it front. I guess Taylor knew she was one of the friends mothers coming to pick him up. So he didn't see her as a threat, but as of now she most assuredly is a threat. I had him get Welch and Barney get everything on her and her family. I called my attorney and get a restraining order against her. I also ask about fostering and how we could become foster parents. Ray, Janet, and Edward spoke to me and Ana in private and tell us to go away for a weekend and we agreed. They decided it would be a good thing for all to go away just separately.
I got an my attorney to write up legal permission slips to bring Allen and Carl on the Disney trip with us. Of ourselves they had to sign POAs and temporary guardian ships for a certain period of time. The mothers jumped at the chance to have them taken care of by us. I asked them over to the Roberts house. They are giving all three of us POAs and temp guardianships. My attorney is going to see if we can use these when and if we go for foster care of the boys. Christian asked if Gail and Taylor could join us and bring Sophie as well.
I set it up that Gail and Taylor would go with Anas family to Disney and take Sophie as well. My security will be Sawyer and Reynolds. I have coverts on Anas family. I also have someone following the mother who tried to rape me at Anas. What we found was really bad and unsure of how we can get this boy out of his moms care. If you call him nearly living at Anas care. Ana has a good heart and loves these boys like her own. They have been friends since they started school. The whole family looks after them. They are driven home most of the time because mom forgets where they are.

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