So Many Brides So Many Grooms

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I have been getting orders left and right, my staff is going nuts. Mia is micromanaging as usual. Christian has had some of his trusted staff help us out to get Kate and Elliott's wedding perfect. We have everything scheduled and everything planned out with built in time for problems if needed.
We have been hit hard at the last minute with issues with the other wedding parties.most were things that they changed at the last possible moment. Christian sent a couple of extra catering cooks and staff from his restaurants to help us since it is Kate and Elliott's wedding day. The bachelor and bachelorette parties were okay until paparazzi crashed them. We are trying to prevent them getting into the wedding. Security can only do so much and Christian has hired a lot of them for the wedding. Taylor has been worked to exhaustion. Christian had to send him on vacation. He and Gail will be back a week before the wedding. Christian decided he needed to have three more Taylor's and everyone agreed. So he has hired all Taylor's suggestions and are keeping them on after the wedding.
Gail and I left Sophie with Ana and the boys while we had a two week vacation before the wedding. We really connected on the trip, Christian had us flown to his place in Hawaii. He had the staff take good care of us. Gail didn't know what to do with herself. She finally allowed the staff to take care of things a day later. Let's just say we had time for each other that we don't always have with us working for the Greys.
I have been so pampered and so relaxed it is amazing. Jason told me that Christian is going to make sure we get time off more often. I miss Sophie, but I love this time with Jason. We married five years ago, Jason's ex wife had a fit about me and Jason getting married. She tried to break us up. Sophie was being torn apart by all of it. Jane Taylor Granger has been a pain in our butts. Talk about micromanaging, she tries to micromanaging all Sophie's visits. Christian basically told her that his attorney would be getting involved more often if she didn't back off. His attorney sent a latter to her attorney. Sadly after we were married two years, Janes husband beat her to death over money she was getting for child support. He was taking it. So we luckily had her that weekend. After she didn't puck her up we had the cops check on her. They had a closed casket funeral. Sophie took a long time to recover from losing her mom. I was asked to adopt her on her birthday. She still calls me Gail, but we felt it would be her idea for me to adopt her. She thought about it when Eric and Allen were adopted.
Mom and dad are getting antsy about all the wedding we are attending. They are comparing my choices with everyone else's they see. Elliott is helping me with certain things. We have been trying to avoid the paparazzi and security is following to assure our safety. Wonder how many CPOs Ana and Mia have since they are both very pregnant. Poor Ana has barely blossomed out and Christian is beside himself with worrying about the twins. Her bump may be small, but her butt has grown a bit from the sitting. I tease her about her wide load butt. She really is tiny though. Mia on the other hand is popping out in front. She swears she's not having twins. I know the wedding is getting on everyone's nerves in our family.
Kate is being nagged at by her mom and dad about every little thing. Her bridesmaids have been trying to calm her down. Her Maid of Honor has been acting oddly though. Jana Jenkins has been very quiet, she is getting married as well. His last name is Warren, which sounds familiar. He couldn't make it to the rehearsal dinner. He is coming to the wedding though. I guess will meet him later. Poor Kate needs to have a night with Elliott. I believe that her stress is from lack of Elliott time. I need some Kate time. Weddings can be brutal. And let's not forget all the advice that co Es from all the parents, friends and other family members. Then throw in the fact your very pregnant sister is catering the wedding with your wife's brother who is also your brother in law. Can we say STRESS.
Christian has me in charge of all the security and I hired three assistants to coordinate all the security staff. He told me to hire someone who can step into my shoes when I am on vacation or ill. He wants me to take vacations more often.
People are entering my kitchen, well the Greys kitchen. Ana told me that they have had issues with two ovens at Mias building, so they have to use or ovens until after they get theirs replaced which will be in two weeks.
I decide to have Mia, Ethan and her staff to go to my restaurant and use the kitchen there until we can get her kitchen issues worked out. My staff will be helping them as well. They called people in and they are making twice the salary to get everything done for all the weddings they have to cater for. Anyone working can also work the weddings as well. They just have to clock in at security. Kate kept saying things were going too well. She was right they were. The tuxes have arrived and we are keeping Elliott away from Kate until the wedding. Our wedding gifts to Kate and Elliott are matching cars one with pink trim the other with blue trim. Ana said Kate and Elliott wanted them as a Christmas present. So we got them for their wedding. They are also using the jet to go on their honeymoon.

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