The Announcement

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After the situation at the hospital, we delayed telling my parents we had gotten married. Ana had no choice in telling her family, since they saw the rings. Now we need to tell my family and get Anas name changed. She is already added to to my will and properties. She signed everything the day we ended up at the ER. Eric's mother actually tried to press charges against Ana for child endangerment. The cops laughed at her and told her they called CPS and filled them in about her poor parenting skills. This weekend we are having a get together minus the Eric and Allen after we were taught a huge lesson. Josh and James are extremely sad about Eric and Allen not being allowed back into our home until they investigate everything that led up to him being ill. CPS have them in custody until everything is resolved.
I can't believe Eric's mom attacked me at the hospital. I guess taking care of her child while she parties is not good enough. If anyone should be angry it is me. She had to be hunted down to give permission to operate on him. If it were people without the resources we have he might have died. CPS and his father were called and CPS is pretty angry after questioning everyone about why his mother didn't bring him in and why wasn't she answering her phone.
CPS Tyler Mason
I have had to deal with Eric's situation before and I know what is going on. His mother lied to me about where is father was. His dad told me if they hadn't found him by way of Christian Greys sources he wouldn't know about his surgery. He had been trying to find him for a while. He will most likely get full custody of Eric. His mom might be charged with abandonment and endangering Eric. Even though the Greys took great care of Eric, his mom didn't give them the right to sign for any emergency or any medical care. They even had made rooms for him and another friend of theirs. When we showed up the other mother actually picked her son up for the first time in a month.
After everything that went down regarding Eric and everything else we need a rest. Ana seems worn out. I heard someone calling her Mrs Grey I thought they meant me until Ana responded. Maybe they thought her and Christian are married and just calling her mrs Grey. There hasn't even any gossip in the papers about them being married.
I have called Christian and gave him a heads up about his mom hearing me being called mrs Grey. We have to talk to his family before it gets out about our Vegas marriage. He said he will tell his family at dinner on Sunday.
Three days later we all head to the Greys family home. I am very nervous and my dad is teasing me. The boys are whispering and laughing and we no,ingredient have the two friends with us. Guess CPS kicked them into actually being responsible for their own children.
Grace told me she heard someone calling Ana mrs Grey several times at the hospital. I know they were going away for the weekend and have been spending time together. They are coming to dinner Sunday and bringing the family minus Josh and James friends. Apparently CPS has stepped in due to the parents negligence. Grace said the bodyguard had to get Eric's mom off Ana after she accused Ana of neglecting her son. I guess Ana put the mother in her place. Based on what the dr heard CPS was called in to investigate the situation. Apparently the father had been trying to locate his son for a long time.
Taylor brought me an article released about Ana and I being married. Someone got a photo of our wedding rings. The photos were taken in Eric's room, so it had to be staff or Eric's parents. It could be the CPS person or the nurses. I expect a few calls from family soon. Now I have dad calling me of all people. I guess one of his clients saw the articles and brought them to his attention. He isn't happy that I didn't sign a prenuptial agreement so he has been working on a post nuptial agreement. I told him that wasn't happening so stop working on it. Next I get calls from Mia and then Elliott and lastly mom asking me to bring Ana to dinner this evening. I call and invite Ana and her family which is my family. I warn Ana about y dads idea about a post nuptial agreement. I tell her my stance is not to have one.
I get a call about dinner with Christian and his family and we are talking about being married, since articles showing us wearing rings. It was in Eric's room someone got photos and sold them to news outlets. I tell everyone dinner is at the Greys tonight. Josh and James miss their friends They see them at school but it isn't the same as before. It is sad and Josh says he has seen evidence of bruises on both boys. He also said at lunch he noticed neither had any food. He bought their lunches. Their clothes seemed to need washed. I need to call and see if we can foster those boys. Dad says he is trying to find out if they can become Eric and Allen's foster parents.
Carrick again made plans for dinner before asking me yet again. This time he said I should look at the news articles today regarding Christian and Ana wearing wedding rings and in Eric's room at the hospital. I call and let my staff know we are having company tonight. I am not surprised at the fact they eloped. I was actually hoping they would because of all the paparazzi that surrounds Christian and anything he does privately.
I can't believe my stuffy brother eloped and told no one at all. Ethan and I decided we wanted privacy for our wedding as well. Being a Grey we rarely get that even now.
Kate has been on me to get a interview with Ana and Christian after the photos of them wearing wedding rings at the hospital was released.

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