Mrs Lincoln Has Her Day (A Bad One?)

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I am being charged with drugging Ana Grey and Kate Kavanagh. My attorney got me out on bail and I am not allowed within a thousand feet on any Greys, Kavanaghs, Roberts, or Steele's. Who the Roberts are is beyond me, I have never met them. Fredricks thinks they have a good case against me and I will be serving time. He says Carrick Grey has some serious evidence against me. He is working with Timmons on getting community service for Stuart. He also informed me he knows what I threatened Stuart with and he is not happy with me. His parents have been cleared of any charges and now the criminals are behind bars. He said this will be presented into evidence against me in his hearing. The Greys are helping with getting him community service. Mia Kavanagh is sponsoring him by employing him as a helper at her catering company. He has signed an NDA that covers everything and everyone that uses their company.
I got Elena three years and she got a lenient judge who liked her. Most would have given her five years. She is filing an appeal, she won't win. But she pays well especially after her husband died in a freak accident at his lumber company. They think it wasn't an accident. Elena had been served divorce papers and was given thirty days to move out of the family mansion. Gregg Lincoln died shortly after he arrived at the hospital. The will they had left everything to Elena. I heard there was another will, but never found one. So when I was called about representing her I knew she was guilty as charged and possibly more. I have asked Elena to not lie to me about this, but she lied anyway. The lies got her more time. I had someone else work on the appeal and warned him upfront that she was being disingenuous about things. She likes good looking young men so I sent Everett Smith 28 and single. If anyone can get her to tell the truth he can.
I have to deal with Lincoln's appeal when something catches my eyes in her file. Her husbands death and her boyfriend was the one who found him under the log pile. Jack Hyde discovered Gregg Lincoln under a log pile inside preparation area. Someone had opened a latch that kept the logs in place. They still don't think it was an accident. Jack Hyde had no business being there. I ordered everything on Jack Hyde and the reports on the death of mr Lincoln. Something is quite off about all of this. I think this needs further investigation and I know someone who would be interested in doing it. Gregg Lincoln had a cousin who would have inherited as well and suddenly only Elena inherited everything. Lily would have as well. The Lincoln family never liked Elena so they put up with her. Lily was in the dark as to the animosity towards her mom from her fathers family. She never k ew her mothers family only that her mother and them were at odds and not speaking. I knew this from family friends. What few they had.
Todd Lincoln
I have hoped someone had finally decided to investigate Greggs death. I explain that Gregg would never have left everything to Elena alone. Gregg would have left Lily and I something in his will. Like our grandfathers 14 it gold packet watch. I asked about and Elena said she had never seen the watch which was a lie, she mentioned it at her engagement party and Gregg said that it was passed down to him and after he died I would get it. Mr Timmons wants more information and he has a friend looking into the death further. His name is Detective Jones, apparently he had tried to look into it, but Elena pushed and got the case closed. I was blocked at every attempt to get it investigated. Now Timmons is not letting this go after the recent events he thinks Elena and her boyfriend is behind Greggs death. We have information that Hyde was there and found Gregg under the logs. Which is funny since he had no reason for being there.
Detective Jones
I decide to get a few friends in on this investigation of Gregg Lincoln's death and Jack Hyde's and  mrs Lincoln's involvement in it. We found out that Gregg Lincoln filed for divorce with another attorney and he had his will as well. No one knew about this since the courts never look into what happens after the filings of either. So when Elena had an attorney read the will she presented they never questioned it. Nothing like the accident that caused mr Lincoln's death ever happened until the day Jack Hyde arrived there that day. Apparently he was seeing Elena and he was the reason for their divorce. We found out that a PI tried to speak with someone about evidence and they blew him off. So we called him and we checked some other things out. We spoke to several workers about that day and it turns out that Elena was there as well. She lied. We found another will soon after in a hidden safe at the lumber yard. Photos were there as well. We picked Jack Hyde up and questioned him. He said Elena was there that day, but disappeared and he had heard the logs and saw Gregg Lincoln being pummeled by the logs he called 911. He thought it was purely an accident. After she was left everything he suspected her of releasing the logs but couldn't prove it.
Jack Hyde
I just knew Elena was bad news and now I am caught up in her crap. She set me up and used me to distract her husband while she released the logs to kill us both off. I was faster than she thought. I am not going down for her actions.

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