Back To Seattle

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I contact my attorney and add Ana and her boys to my will. I also name her and her sons as my beneficiaries as well. All the papers were drawn up I just signed them and they will be notarized and filed with the court. The next step will be to tell our families. I think Mia knows already. Hard not to know being is that she was talking dresses with Ana. Her dress was beautiful. I would have bought the place we stayed, but it was too small for a family event. The land was not right for expansion either. I heard Ana talking to Josh and James and then her dad. She spoke to Janet and James as well. Then I spoke to Gail and Taylor about Ana and I married and we will be finding a bigger place for all of us to live in. I told Taylor we need to check out the bigger house for security improvements. Ana and I have to check it out first. The listing agent has no idea who the potential buyer is.  I know the agent personally and it may make it hard to deal with her. I had Taylor ask a list of questions and add a bunch of his own for the realtor. He says the bigger house needs updates on the gates and all security devices needs replaced.
Man I love Sophie and she and the boys had a great time at Disney, but good lord these boys treat her like one of the guys. I had to remind her and them she is still a girl. Gail just chuckled and said she will outgrow some of the things she had done with the boys eventually. But we took all kinds of pictures. Ray told me Ana was a lot like Sophie at that age. Now she is different. Christian has asked me to hire CPOs for his new wife and family. I asked if he has told his mom and dad yet. Of course he hasn't yet. He wants to tell them in person. Gail likes Ana so that is a plus.
I miss my boys and can't wait to hug them and kiss them. They of course have gotten too old for both according to them. I told my dad that I married Christian. He didn't seem surprised at all. He told me that Christian asked him, Edward, Josh and James for my hand in marriage. He knew that he made plans and possibly what they might be. After we arrive home we have dinner and everyone goes to sleep after we make our announcement to my family. After all the congratulations we finally head to bed. We have to be quieter here than we were at the house on the beach. The boys seem thrilled, dad asked to speak to me in private.
Ana the mothers of our two latch key kids weren't home and aren't answering the phone calls from us. It is time to find out what to do about this situation. She agrees with us all. We need to expedite our foster care applications. My attorney has told me to document everything from the first time the mothers failed to pick them up. We also need to find out who their fathers are. Family has all the legal rights to them. We also have to take their safety in mind along with who they want to live with. But if we get them I have ordered them things for the guest bedrooms to personalize it for them. They are here more than with their mothers.
Dad it is fine with me if you make it like home for them here. It will show the caseworkers we mean business. But make sure you handle it with the kids in mind. Christian is a bit nervous about sleeping with me tonight. But I think it is because everyone is here right now. I get my pjs ready after showing him everything and the place to hang his things up. I show him where everything is in the bathroom. We shower and go to bed leaving my pjs in a chair by the bed.
I am a bit restless so I decide to relax by making love to Ana very quietly. I tell her I found a place I want to buy so everyone has a room and we can soundproof ours lol. Ana is up and running at five am.
I try to let Christian sleep in, but it's like he knows I am awake. So he gets up and joins me in the shower. We head down to breakfast and cook for everyone. We need a bigger kitchen for sure. I have a bit of everything cooking and plates being filled and emptied shortly afterward. Finally I eat my breakfast. I check the boys assignments to be sure all of them did them. Ray gets up and go to shower and dress. The hot water has replenished by now. Seven people showering will run you out of hot water fast.
Ana cooked for seven people and ate last after she fed the boys first then me and Ray. She finally ate, she cleaned all the dishes while waiting for the boys to show her they competed their work and gave the notes from the teachers. I guess Ray broke up with the teacher after she wasn't invited to Disney by him. He won't talk about it and the full reason for not inviting her. He is afraid of getting hurt again. He told me what Carla did to him and it doesn't sound like she stayed faithful with anyone. I ask Ray if he would like to go fishing with me, Elliott, and my dad. I tell him to invite who he want to. He tells me let him know when I and my family is available
I have dad drop off the kids today at school after making sure all there work is done.

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