Jana Marries Samuel

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I am marrying Samuel at his parents home with very few people. My dress is from a thrift store white and pink lace. His mom was my matron of honor and he had his father as his best man. Mia had someone make our wedding cake and gifted it to us along with the meals that day.
We agreed on what our wedding would be. Mia and Ethan gifted us with the cake and the dinners. The wedding was very small. We given a trip to Hawaii and the Greys offered us their home for two weeks. Staff will be there to take care of all our needs food wise and cleaning as well.
Samuel is very caring and loving.  We decided to have children right away, so we wanted until we got married to consummate our vows. I knew that he had scars and he knew I scars as well. We appreciate each other more than before.
I have been afraid of Jana seeing my scars, but I found out she and I had nothing to worry about we survived everything that brought us our scars and we lived each other more. We ate and made love,then we swam and enjoyed the beaches in the areas. We had night time swims in the pools. It was fantastic to make love outside. The staff left us alone unless we asked them for something. We were all alone and Jana and I are together all the time. I am thrilled to have met her and enjoy her every moment we are together. Neither of us have a lot of friends, we are invited to events that aren't crowded. Most of our true friends invite us to family gatherings.
We have packed to go home. Sams family have built us a home near them and they gave it to us on our wedding day. It is amazing. Movers are coming when we get back to move our combined apartments into the home. We have a week to get the packing and unpacking done. It is amazing how fast time goes when you have so much to do. The Warrens are a big family and I feel very welcomed and very close to them. They know I have to see a psychiatrist regularly,but so does Sam. So we have decided to do couples therapy as well. We just want us to be the best we can be for each other.
We have unpacked and arranged everything in our new home. Mom and dad have outdone themselves. It is beautiful and we have an indoor pool with a gym so we can work out. We also have a nice office with space for us both to have a desk to work at. A fireplace in each bedroom, one in the family room and kitchen. We have a patio with built in grill, fridge and sink. It encloses during inclement weather. The garage has room for four cars. We finally relax and order food to be delivered.
I had a rough day at the homeless shelter, when a girl who had just had a baby and barely made inside to get food to eat. Her baby and her had to be taken to the hospital. I found some clothing for the baby and the EMT s had to get them breathing again as they rushed them to the ER. Paul took us to the hospital to see if they survived. We did what we could to keep them alive. I started thinking about my baby and Paul and I drive to the hospital she was taken to. We had her knapsack with us, the people didn't know who she was and it was the first time we ever saw her. So no one could tell us who she was.
I think I know who the girl was, I am thinking she is a neighbor of my parents. Lily is very worried about her and the baby. They called for more volunteers so we could go see what we could do for this girl.
Dr Phillips
We have an incoming OB/Gyn case and a pediatric case newborn. Both on oxygen. I page Grace Grey to the ER. Then The Gyn 9n duty. The Emts come flying in and we establish what we need and run test on both the baby and the girl.
When I get to the ER I am thrown into the deep end with a full term baby that is having trouble breathing. We check the lungs and intubate the baby along with his mother. The Gyn hasn't arrived yet, so we check for possible issues with the birth. Luckily she isn't bleeding out. Her body weight is not what a healthy pregnant person would be. She appears to have been on the street for a while. I have them intubate her as well and start her on IV fluids as well as the baby. We move them to isolation until we know what we are dealing with along with keeping them free of germs.
Dr Green
I finally make it to the ER, and they have moved the patients on Graces orders and she is with them along with two nurses and two interns. Grace says thank God it is you on duty I am out of my league here, help. I jump in and check the girl out and deliver the placenta and check her for any residual bleeding. But Grace had ordered and ultrasound and we end up taking the girl into surgery. She was carrying twins and the other one wasn't coming out.
Two hours later we deliver a baby weighing a little under four pounds. He was loud for his size and he seemed to be breathing better than his sister. Mom was still having breathing issues, we put her into a medically induced coma and started her on antibiotics and a feeding tube. Her little girl finally started breathing on her own and we were feeding her as well. The girl weighed four pounds and was three inches bigger than her brother. The mother was so thin it is surprising she is still alive. Nutritional supplements were given slowly by tube and we had her kidneys checked. We did checks her routinely. The mother looked not even 14 years of age. We went to the ER waiting room and asked if someone came in with the pregnant girl. Two people said they helped deliver her baby when she got to the homeless shelter. They had a dirty nap sack in their hands along with baby clothing for the infants.
We work at the homeless shelter on Pike Place, we called the EMTs and kept the baby and the girl breathing until they came. Are they okay, can we visit them? We would like to help if we can.
Dr Grey
Hi, you saved three lives by keeping them breathing. There were twins, the babies are in the ICU right now and mom is in bad shape. They had to do a cesarean and deliver her son. Do you know who she is?
She looks like one of the kids of my parents neighbors. I think her name is Josephine Rollins, but don't quote me on it. I have to check the missing people reports we get.
Dr Grey
Aren't you Lily Lincoln?
I am Lily Clayton now. I am working full time at the homeless shelter. I turned my life around. I apologize for everything I put you and your family through. My mom had a lot to do with all of that. Mom was a bad person.
Dr Grey
Give me your number if she wakes up and wishes to thank you I will let you know. I know that shelter it does a lot of good. I also heard they have a great cook there as well according to some of your guests.
I use my catering skills for good now. Thanks for saving them.

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