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Ana Steele is just playing hard to get, so I used her sons grades to try to get her to change her no to a yes. She had them moved from my class immediately, unsure what she told them to get the change. I question Elizabeth Morgan the second in command and my puppet. She said that a comment regarding my making the mother and the boys uncomfortable was all she could find out. The headmaster has decided to lock up all the complaints at his home and on a secure laptop after several complaints suddenly disappeared from his desk and his laptop was tampered with. Luckily he kept the complaints backed up on USB drives. She said there was no way this complaint was going to disappear.
Elizabeth Morgan
Hyde won't leave me alone, he has us on video and could ruin my future. Had I known what I was getting into, I wouldn't have went out with him. I still feel that he drugged me. After waking up naked and feeling like I was beaten up, I saw the welts all over my body along with bruises and bloody sheets. I had to soak in a tub for the pain. That was the first and last time I ever went out with him. Now he is targeting another mother of his students. I decided to put in my resignation and get the hell out of dodge. My two weeks are up today and I have a new place and job far away from Hyde. Headmaster Thomas gave me a good recommendation, I think he knows about Hyde manipulating me and I was behind the missing complaints. He never said out right though. But he elaborated to me that my next job I should be more cautious as to my associates I get involved with. I shake his hand and he whispers I know but can't prove anything yet.
Headmaster Thomas
I get more complaints about Hyde than any teacher I ever had. I decided to video tape my offices along with certain public areas involving the teachers and parents. I noticed Miss Steele being harassed by Hyde every time she brings her sons to his class. Finally I get her father coming in and asking for the boys to move out of Hyde's class and it hasn't been the first time either. He filed a complaint about Hyde and thinks the tests were not the true ones they took. The boys themselves said it was not their handwriting. After they changed teachers their tests scores went back to what they made the year before. So he was definitely using his authority over the boys academic scores to hurt Miss Steele and try to manipulate her to go out with him. I found that Miss Morgan was being manipulated by Hyde as well. So it didn't surprise me at all when she turned in her resignation. I called my friend at the school board and told him we had a huge problem. He decided to get an undercover to replace Miss Morgan. A female about 23 named Rebecca Sullivan arrived the next day.
Rebecca Sullivan
I am brought in when they suspect unscrupulous behavior from teachers. I have caught more than you know going on with teachers and even cleared two teachers of any wrongdoing. Yes even teachers are victims. The headmaster asks what we need to do? I tell him not to worry the guilty parties will approach me. I am never told who the culprit is as to not taint the investigations. Hyde didn't take long at all to zero in on me. I allow his nonsense and refuse his advances all of it is being recorded. It amazes me how slimy these people ca get. He is going down and soon. This guy thinks his crap don't stink. I can't seem to shake his lame ass. I call my backup and inform them that this guy is dangerous. I went to the restroom and he cornered me, luckily the bell rang and students were coming into it. He hid until the next bell rang. All of it was recorded thank God.
Oh boy is Rebecca a prime choice of fresh meat and so young. I have been relentless in my pursuit of her. She just keeps saying she's not interested, but her eyes a different thing. I finally get her alone in the bathroom and corner her I can smell her arousal. I tell her to give up the goods she just won't follow my instructions to drop her pants. Suddenly the bell rings and I have to hide. She got away this time, but not next time. She is going to do exactly what I want her to do.
Omg this guy is delusional. As he cornered me as I came out of the toilet and walk to the sink he grabs me and shoves me against the wall. All of this is being recorded and my backup rang the bells to get activity in the restroom. Hyde jumps behind one of the stall doors, I wait outside with the cops and my backup team. The bell rings again and Hyde saunters out and us immediately handcuffed. We still have an ongoing investigation going and have called the parents in one at a time. We had to interview Miss Steele at the hospital. But the headmaster has a lot of evidence about him. We also searched his car and his home. This guy was a real sick individual and how he was a teacher is beyond me.
Headmaster Thomas
I have called in the new teacher and my new second in command. The news thank God has not gotten wind of this arrest yet. This guy has been here for over four years. I suspect Miss Morgan was being blackmailed by him to get rid of the complaints. She didn't just throw his away, but several others complaints. The missing complaints was brought to my attention by one of the complainants. She said Hyde was at it again, I looked up the record and that was when she provided me with the three previous complaints copies. We do things in triplicate. One for the complainants, one for our office and one for the person complained about. So I used USB drives, laptop, and a locked safe to assure they never disappear again. I  took copies of her complaints with her watching my every move and taking the copies in her hands. I called Hyde in and he said she said and without concrete evidence I couldn't do a thing to him yet.
I can't believe I am being arrested by just having a little fun. She wanted me and I just wanted to satisfy her needs for me is all.

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