The Party Favor?

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I have everything ready for our plan. The guest arrive and security has already checked everything out and we finally start setting everything up. I have my plan hidden in a pouch in my bra. This will be tricky since the last attempt they will be on guard for another attempt. Lilly's d I started our catering service just to get back at Mia. We have taken five of her customers since we opened. So we have began slowly destroying Mia as we grow our business we undermine her when we can without being obvious about it.
Kate has come one early with her mom to check everything out. Her mom is being super critical about every little thing. Kate is checking out the seating and has moved a few around. The family tables stay the same. Security is at tables close to all the Greys, Steels , Roberts, and Kavanaghs. Ana and Christian are sitting with four boys near everyone. There are other children at the tables next to the. With what might be their parents. Elliott and Kate are at a table in front all by themselves. The setup is finally complete and Kate and her mother have finally approved of everything. Now we just bide our time and wait for an opening. It is now or never .
Ana and I arrive and show the boys there seats and give them something to keep themselves busy until Gail and Sophie arrive. Gail has volunteered to take the boys home and let them watch movies tonight. I know Elena and Lily have something planned besides the party. I have security watching Elena and Lily closely. What they don't know is that some of the workers are security as well. We felt is was necessary after what happened the last time we had contact with them in person. If we could have proved they were the ones who drugged me they would be behind bars.
I excuse myself to the bathroom, what I didn't know was I have a female security person tonight. I enter the bathroom and handle my business and am confronted by a bleach blonde waiting for me to come out of the stall. She starts telling me that Christian is hers and she is taking him back from me. I wash my hands and tell her well according to my marriage certificate he is my husband and not yours. I was my hands and she grabs me, but as she does this a tall female grabs her and tackles her and then cuffs her. As she has her pressed on the floor with her foot she asks me if I am alright. She introduces herself as my security but she is covert and had been recently hired due to threats made through GEH. Christian apparently figured Lily would attack me here tonight and she did. He just didn't want me on edge about it so he upped security for everyone.
Anabelle Lewis CPO
I watched as Mrs Grey went to the bathroom and followed Lily at a distance. I had to wait until an attempt was made against Ana that way we could arrest Lily for attacking her. I grabbed her after she made a mark on Anas arms. Just touching her is enough to arrest her for assault. I have Lily escorted out by the Fairmont security and we speak to the cops me and mrs Grey have asked for her arrest. She didn't wait until the night was in full swing to attack. Her mother has no idea Lily has been arrested, she will find out soon enough. I have to remain to keep Ana safe. Security is keeping an eye out for all the Greys. Mr Steele noticed the bruises on Anas pale arms. He hasn't questioned her yet.
I am waiting for Ana to return and get concerned at how long she has been gone when I get a message about Lilly being arrested for attacking Ana in the bathroom. I see her finally coming back and see the bruises on her arms. Lewis tells me she has pictures of Anas arms and Lilly's hands so they can make the arrests stick. Lewis tells me the on,y way we could get her behind bars was to allow her to attack Ana enough to make a mark, but nothing else and she did just that.
I watch as Ana and Christian talk about what happened and come over and ask if she is okay. She said that Lily had attacked her and she is arrested  and Lewis made sure to see that she will be spending time behind bars for her assault. Elena has no idea about the arrest yet.
I noticed Ana had been gone for a while and don't see lily anywhere at all. Elena is buzzing around and everything is being served. I notice that Elena is watching Elliott and  Christian closely. A bit too closely. I look and see Ana and Christian is looking at her arms for some reason and then Ray looking at them as well. Elliott looks their way as well.
Oh crap I am betting Lily attacked Ana. I saw her heading the direction Ana was going. But I saw a covert following as well. I am betting we don't see Lilly again after this. Elena hands me a glass of wine. I hand it to Kate and Elena stops me from giving yo Kate and says it is a new wine and she wants my opinion on it. Suddenly Kate bumps the table and the wine glass falls and spills everywhere.
You looked like you needed me to spill the wine.
I almost got him to drink the wine, it had my special ingredient in it. I am looking everywhere for Lily and I don't seem to find her anywhere. I have to get everything served and get the staff moving along with the food and drinks. I decide to find lily later and have a bottle sent to each table. I add the drug to the ones sent to Christian and Elliott.
I am enjoying the food and bottles of wine are brought to each of the tables, so we have a drink and I am not doing so well. I haven't drank very much when I black out.

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