The Bbq

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I watch as everyone arrives and brings in so many dishes for us to ended up being a huge party. All kinds of food and deserts. Ana brought her dead husbands parents and the stories they told us about the boys. What amazed me is how close they are to Ana and Ray. The boys actually vacation each year with them for a month and have since infancy. They take them to visit their dads family. I notice the boys can swim very well. And have been trying to teach several of the other children how to swim. They have Anas patience that's for sure. Carrick is really in his grilling element. We have noticed how close Christian is staying to Ana. He is holding her hand every time I look up. He is having a good time and actually smiling. Roz told me he should keep Ana, because he is in a great mood since they started dating.
Sophie is enamored with Anas kids she is learning how to swim. Which is a great idea at her age. Josh and James are about six months older than she is. But they are still boys and I am watching them around my daughter. I see Christian smirking at me as he sees what I am looking at.
Taylor is not listening to me tell him that Sophie is in good hands. I finally nudge him and look at him and tell him if he is this worried at two nine year olds teaching her how to swim what will happen when she starts dating? Lol. I have him go get into his swim suit to join them if he is that concerned. Of course he makes a bee line to do it. I join Grace and the other women while the me. Talk sports and other things. The food is plentiful here today and it is a serve yourself sort of thing.
I go visit Carrick at the grill along with some of the other guys. Edward joins me and we all discuss our favorite seasonings for the meats. I tell him he has a nice setup here grill wise and the food is great.
So Ana and Christian is dating? How do you feel about that Carrick?
Well she seems to make him happy. This is my first time meeting her, but Grace says good things about her. As long as she makes him happy and he seems happier than he ever was. Her boys are very well behaved and seem to be very outgoing. I am an attorney and look at things with a critical eye. So don't take my attitude badly, I see a lot out in the world.
Well I know how Ray is feeling about that comment and I can assure you as Anas dead husbands father that you couldn't find a better person for your son to date in the world than Ana. Now take that with a grain of salt, but how many widows allow such generous amounts of time for us to visit with our grandsons. We take them for a month to visit our family. We have been taking them on vacation like that since they were infants. Believe me you would be hard pressed to find a better person than Ana. I may not be her father like Ray is, but my pride in her will never waver. She makes me proud every day.
I was surprised to find that she invited her dead husbands parents. Not many are close to their in laws like that. And you defending her even tells me more about her. I am betting she is also someone who speaks her mind. With Christian she is going to have to be. Ray has been quietly observing this interaction and smiling.
I can't help but listen to Ed's defense of Ana to Carrick. It is one thing for your father to defend you, but when your father in law defends you is something rare. I smile at both of them while they banter on about Ana.
I think Ana and Christian make a great couple. I also see the boys enjoying teaching a young girl about their age how to swim. Ana insisted they learn to swim, since we go fishing a lot and boating. Ana bought a small boat and has it at the marina for us to go out on as a family. Ana has rejoined us as Christian has his phone to his ear.
Christian told me he was expecting an important call and had to take it. He said it would take a long time. So when his phone rang I went and joined the women. I learned that Kate moved back to Seattle and is dating Elliott at this point. Gail is Christian house manager and Jason Taylor's wife. Mia is Christians sister and Ethan is her husband and Kate's brother. Grace jokes and says glad there aren't any Gia types here today. I told her that we had to rescind invitations to friends of Josh and James when their mothers tried to. Uncle into an invite to the Greys. Because they were worse than Gia.
The things some women will do to marry a rich man. I tell Ana all the things that women and a few men have done to try to meet her sons. She tells me that there were a few times security had to throw party crashes out after they wouldn't leave her sons alone. She had heard about Christians experiences with stalkers.
I ask Ana if Christian is gay and she pretty much said don't believe everything you read about anyone.
We have just started dating, so kissing is about all we do at this stage. Of course she would ask that question. Typical media question. I ask her if she is going to write a story for her dads paper on anything at the bbq today?
No even though dad pressures Ethan and I to give him the inside information on the family. Christian made us sign an NDA before we attended and family thing. But I know that Elliott would never forgive me if I gave any information on the Greys to anyone, but especially my dad. To say my dad was angry would be an understatement.
Kate really asking if Christian is gay? Even his family doesn't ask him that. And look how he is with Ana no gay man would be looking at her that way.
Kate look how Ana and him hold onto each other,that should tell you everything. Now when did you two start dating Ethan  says you started the day after the boat trip. I think it was that night after her dropped Gia off at her house.
I got all the phone numbers for Ana and all her family. Carrick liked Ray and Edward and I got Janets number as well all of us mesh really well. The days ended with a good note. Sophie made plans with Josh and James to get together with them and a few of their friends. I guess they are about to have their tenth birthday party and invited her to it. Apparently Ana doesn't want anyone to bring gifts. She just wants them to celebrate. She has this plan to give them gifts they can enjoy with all their friends. She. Ames it about their day and not the gifts.

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