BBQ Grey Style

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Carrick and have our usual bbq party for select friends along with our family. This year we have new additions to the guest list. I have asked Christian how he would about me inviting Ana and her family. Ana and I have been having lunch about once a week. She is very genuine and really a hard working young woman and is a great mom to her twins. Of course Gail and Taylor's daughter is Anas twins age. Their are other children coming as well. So we have gotten the pool ready. The grill is always kept in good condition and ready to go. This is typically an all day event. Elliott is bringing Ethans sister Kate, I guess she is giving him a chance.
I am looking forward to our bbq this year. Grace said both the boys are bringing dates. She has invited a new friend from the hospital that Christian seems to have taken a fancy to her. Apparently he has went out several times with her and he has even met her family. According to Grace his first date the family was there to meet him and her sons told him to bring their mom back at a decent time. I think it is hilarious he is getting paid back for what he did to Mias dates and then worse to Ethan when he asked to marry her.
Grace has invited me and my whole family to a bbq at their home over the weekend. I asked Christian if he is okay with that. He said of course it is fine with him. The boys are excited about it, they tried to wrangle invites of a few friends and their mothers. I put a stop to that immediately because these mothers just want to meet the Grey men. The friends are at my home a lot and wanted to join us at the bbq and when they went to ask if they could come the bbq party. That's when I had to put a stop to the moms inviting themselves along. Their children are one thing, but there barracuda mothers are another thing. It would be like inviting two more Gias, I now am getting calls from them about how I know the Greys and could I introduce them to Christian and Elliott. I told them that both of them had steady girlfriends and not looking anymore. Okay it was a lie, but they are dating me and Kate Kavanagh.
Ana is going overboard is getting ready for this bbq. She is baking and cooking and has bought new swim wear for us all along with new beach towels and some new shorts and tops for the bbq. Also sunscreen and lotion. Sunglasses from the dollar tree. Only thing she's missing is one of those floppy beach hats for women lol. We have everything ready and the Roberts are following us over. They are taking the boys for a month and going to go on vacation and surprise them. They do these trips every year to visit their family around the country. The first time they had the boys for this trip we were worried about it, since they were just infants. But it all went well and they came back to us bigger and well dispositioned. They have been involved in the boys life from day one. As it should be.
I wanted my friends to join us, but their moms had to insist they come along. They never have before now. Apparently the Greys are well known and they have even wealthier sons especially Christian Grey who is the guy picking on up for dates. My friend told me not to worry about rescinding the invite. They are embarrassed after hearing their mothers real reasons for coming along.
Man I just knew when Eric's mother asked if she could come to the bbq with him something was not right. But after looking up who the Greys were I knew they were trying to move in on my moms boyfriend, well the guy she's seeing. Apparently he is a billionaire  and women are all over him. He is Seattle's most eligible bachelor along with his brother Elliott. That is the only reason our friends mom wanted an invite. Our friends moms never joined them when we invited them out on the boat to fish. Or any other reasons. Actually they kind of drop them off at our home and we don't see them until we drop our friends off at their homes. Even then we have to make sure they are actually home. At one point we had two of our friends stay with us for a week. I begged mom and grandparents not to report their moms to CPS. I didn't want them to go into foster care again.
Omg I have never ate with a billionaire before and I have no idea how to act. I made several covered dishes and pies to bring with us. Edward and I had no idea that Christian Grey, the guy dating Ana was a billionaire. I found out when his picture appeared in the news with Ana on his arm. Edward brought it to my attention then we asked Ray if he knew about it. He said he checked him out before he knocked on the door for their first date.
Well today we find out how the wealthy throw a bbq and I doubt it is any different than how we simple folk throw a bbq. My son would be heartbroken if Ana didn't remarry someone. It was awful how he died and we still miss him, but Ana is generous in allowing us access to Josh and James as much as we like. She was a bit worried about them going on a months vacation with us when they were infants. We took them to meet the rest of their family. Some family members asked why Ana wasn't with us. We explained that she was getting her degree to become a psychiatrist. I also told them that she trusted us to take great care of our own grandchildren. I and Janet are lucky to have such a generous daughter in law that wants us totally involved in our grandsons lives even if our son is gone. She has since the day they were born and made sure we saw them after our son died. She had us move in with her and her dad until we felt better about our sons death. We visited the boys often and they made sure we knew we were welcomed.

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