Post Nuptial Brewhaha

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We all meet at my family's home and we show everyone that we are married and we explain why we eloped and everyone understands. What we didn't know was we had someone in our midst that would be blabbing our story to the news later that night. Including the huge prenuptial arguments with both sides getting involved. I notice some people were quietly assessing everything about our night.
I feel attacked and it makes me mad that Carrick has chose to force a post nuptial agreement and in front of everyone. Ray got mad and so did Grace, Elliott, and everyone else. Finally we sit down after everyone know we aren't giving in to Carrick demands. So we have a quiet dinner until Josh asks what a post nuptial is and Christian explains it is a legal document that he and I will never sign. That stops the chatter about post nuptials and Josh starts talking about Eric and Allen. Apparently they aren't being taken care of at all.
Excuse me for a moment, he grabs his phone from his jacket and calls someone. I am pretty angry when I get back I got nowhere with the CPS person or my attorney. I asks Grace and Carrick if can talk to them for a moment alone. I explain what Josh and James described to me about Eric and Allen's condition.
I just knew those kids shouldn't have been released to any of the parents. But there was nothing any of could do, but we can now. I am having Josh and James talk to CPS tonight and we will get an emergency order of protection and placing them back in Rays and the Roberts care tonight. They are bringing them both to our home so I can examine them.
I have made several calls on behalf of Ray and the Roberts regarding them fostering Eric and Allen. Apparently they are already approved the paperwork was just mailed out to them. They can fax it to me if it is urgent and it is definitely urgent. Josh and James have told us that they have lost weight and their clothing is dirty and they have bruising that is very noticeable.
We are waiting for Grace to examine Eric and Allen and take photos of them, we unfortunately can't take them home tonight due to their physical state that needs them hospitalized immediately. They were hungry and also needed bathing and a change of clothing.
I am waiting to find out what is going on with Allen and Eric. They will be arresting all three parents. Eric's mother was taken to the hospital from injuries her ex husband inflicted upon her. So Eric is now at the hospital yet again. The reason his mother hid Eric was for his and her safety, but she didn't take care of Eric to begin with. So now Eric is now c9,I gotta back to live with us as our foster child. Allen is as well. We all miss them and they are our family. I made sure they had everything they needed along with the rest of the family.
I am hoping we can make these boys Roberts/Steele/Grey family members permanently. They belong with us and need us as we all need them to balance us out. Carrick found out what a tight knit family we are when we all informed him to stay out of Ana and Christians marriage. I am waiting for word 9n Eric and Allen. CPS is talking to Grace and we finally get news that once the boys are cleared to be released from the hospital they are coming home with us. We already started the adoption process and they are allowing them to be adopted by us after we pass yet another hurdle.
CPS Evans
I have reviewed everything a and signed off on the adoption of Eric and Allen to the Roberts/Steele and Grey family. I am going to let the court deal with matter that five people are adopting both these boys. If anything the Roberts will take lead on the actual adoption. After reviewing everything these boys might have had bad luck and it is finally changing to good luck.
Eric and Allen had to stay for two more days due to malnutrition and further tests after that they will be going home with the Roberts/Steele's/and Greys. I now have grandsons and a daughter in law. I doubt Ana is a gold digger and her stint on the research project will be over soon and she will work semi regular hours. We will get to know the whole family so much better. Who takes in people in this manner. Ana invited the boys knowing they had needs that weren't being met.
I tried to get Ana alone and did finally. I finally found out that was the worst idea I could have ever done. Not only did my intimidation backfire she asked if I thought my billionaire son was too stupid to choose his own mate. She then went to remind me he got his billions without any help from me and if I was as smart then where are my billions? She also t9ld me if I wanted to still be in his life I needed to drop the post nuptial chat and now. She t9ld me she wouldn't tell him about my ambushing her alone for now. But if I bring it up in any context she would make a point of letting him hear the recording she just made.
Carrick doesn't trust Christians choice in marrying me and it is disrespectful of him and me. I turned on my recording app as soon as he wanted to speak to me alone. Being an attorney he is too predictable. I guess he thought I was someone he could bend to his will. I would think he would have ran a background check and actually read it and see my grades in school. Life as his daughter in law is going to be fun. I will be yanking his chain at any event. I think inviting his daughter to on a shopping spree would be a good start. But my shopping spree is thrift stores and Walmart lol.

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