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Taylor woke us up telling me we had a huge problem. Apparently news about my marriage and the post nuptial agreement on top of the Er visit after two boys were taken from the Grey residence and needed to stay for malnutrition. They implied it was Josh and James Steele. Only certain people knew that it wasn't Josh and James, so it had to be one of my parents staff. At first I thought the Kavanaghs were behind until the story implied that Ana was a bad parent. Mom has two females and one male staff that were there that night. I asked Taylor to pull their phone records immediately.
I can't believe this was said about me. I am getting looks by fellow employees and it is very upsetting. This article could ruin my career. Christian has filed a suit on my behalf. Because 5hey didn't check their facts they will be apologizing and making a huge settlement to me. They also have to retract their statements. Christian found out it was Stuart who is Graces staff that gave them the story. Stuart is no longer working for Grace and he has been blackballed from working as a servant in anyone's home. Apparently he had a thing for Christian and decided to hurt me by saying it was my sons who were being abused by me. The article never checked any facts at all. So when my boss brought me in about the articles I had to explain everything to him regarding Eric and Allen.
Head of Psychiatry Jasper Jordan
I hated calling Ana in about the articles, because I couldn't Eli eve it at all. She is not like that I have met her sons, but it was a while ago. So when she told me the truth of the matter I made an announcement and also informed the idiots who called for her termination that the story about her children was untrue and that was all I was giving them information wise and if they tried to pursue it any further they would be facing the Grey clan. Apparently the leader of all this was a woman snubbed by Christian Grey at an event he had attended.
Stuart Henderson Staff at The Grey family home
I gave information to some news outlets that got me a nice tidy sum. The fact that Christian Grey was married and the post nuptial fiasco. I also threw in the fact they had to take two boys to the Er that same night. Of course it wasn't Anas two, but the reporter had no idea is was two family friends of Anas sons taken in for malnutrition and injuries so I allowed them to think that. I want Ana gone and this was a way to do it. I heard CPS was called by Grace herself. Today I was terminated with cause. If I went quietly they wouldn't sue me for all my worth for implying Ana was abusing her boys. It apparently nearly caused her her job at the hospital along with her license being pulled. I hadn't thought about that, but when you are in love you don't think everything through all the way. I called to get on at my friends employers and he told me that word was out on me and what I did and to forget about working for anyone else in the area. Security had me pack and watched as I packed up everything up. They took my photos of Christian from me and told me to forget all about him and not to go near the Greys again.
I have been hearing murmurs about Ana all day long and I finally have had it and told the gossips that the truth is that Ana not only is a great mother, but she had taken care of the boys friends until Eric ended up in the hospital for emergency surgery and his parents took him home and this happened with them along with Allen. CPS backed me up on everything and the rumors stopped altogether. Ana nearly lost her job and license over the lies in that article. I had to go assure the head of Psyche that Ana had never abused her sons Josh and James and can have them attest to it. Christian told me it was Stuart. Y servant that gave the news the information and the misinformation about what boys were taken. He allowed the news people to assume it was Josh and James in the hospital for malnutrition and injuries from abuse. I had him terminated and escorted off the property.
I am being asked about the article and if Ana was indeed abusive to her sons. I am livid and I inform my staff that the news about the boys weren't Anas boys, but their friends and they were abused by their parents and Ana and her family tried to stop them from going back to them, but had no choice but to let them return to their parents and one of the mothers was also hospitalized because her ex husband beat her and then his son. I called Christian and he said that Stuart was behind the whole thing and the papers are printing a retraction and an apology and they are having to settle with Ana over her nearly being fired and her license being pulled. I hadn't thought about that, but apparently some people who saw the article asked for her termination and her license pulled. Grace got involved along with CPS was asked and interceded on Ans behalf.
CPS Schubert
We got a call about Eric and Allen along with Josh and James their friends. I checked files and Josh and James Steele have never been abused as a matter of fact they protected Eric and Allen from being abused along with their family had been taking care of them until their mothers took them back from the Steele's care. They ended up in the hospital along with Eric's mother from abuse and the boys were neglected. We also got the parents to sign the boys over for adoptions by three different family names. The Steele's, Roberts and Greys all want to adopt them at the same time. That all have had a hand in raising them so they wanted to all be their parents. I have to look into that and see if it can be done.
(Have checked on line and I don't think they have thought about the kind of adoption I have in my story yet although it might not be a bad idea if all are on the same page about raising a child. Again just my opinion like it or not).

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