Bad Dreams (Platonic Dark Sans Poly)

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Quick A/N: I did not spellcheck at all and I am really tired, so there's probably plenty of mistakes. Enjoy this tiny drabble

It was thundering outside. Rain hit the windows harshly as they shook from the strong wind. A really heavy rainstorm. Good thing everyone's already sound asleep. Well, it is 2:17 in the morning, so it was a fair assumption.

But a certain God of Negativity couldn't get a wink of sleep.

It wasn't like most nights where he simply preferred to be awake at night, no. He was so tired, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to drag his feet anywhere near his giant, plush bed. So, he left his room, and trudged down the vast corridors down to the parlour, where he and his team spent most of their time whenever they weren't doing favours for Error or running errands. Maybe sleeping on the couch would help.

He was thankfully able to actually lay down on it without getting an anxiety attack, but his sockets wouldn't close. He tossed and turned for what felt like hours, but he couldn't get into the right position. Suddenly, he heard the floorboards creak under the weight of a tiptoeing pair of socked feet. He froze, sitting up and staring intently at the stairs. He aimed his tentacles at them, trying not to feel terrified.

He instantly relaxed when a skeleton in a zipped, faded blue hoodie and short pyjama shorts hop down the last step. His hood was remarkably still over his head like it was during the day, his red and purple orbits staring at the God in surprise. "Boss?" He asked. "What are you doing here so late at night?" Nightmare squinted. "I could ask you the same thing, Dust. You should be asleep by now." Dust twiddled his phalanges, and headed towards the kitchen. He lit a candle with a matchbox he always carried around now, thanks to these candles being the only source of light in the castle, and opened a cupboard as he continued to talk.

"I was just getting a midnight snack." He mumbled as he got out five bowls. Nightmare stared in confusion. "Then what do you need all those bowls for?" Dust stopped what he was doing and turned around to look at him. "Why are you really down here?" Nightmare went silent. "Did...did you have a bad dream?" They always called 'nightmares' 'bad dreams' so Nightmare doesn't get confused. He stared at the floor, and shakily nodded. He wouldn't have admitted it a few years prior, as in the beginning, they were all nothing more than annoying servants. But now, they were the best friends Nightmare could've ever asked for, given how he is.

Dust's gaze softened when he saw him in such distress. It must've been bad if Nightmare looked like he was going to cry just thinking about it. "I'm sorry, boss. I didn't mean to make you upset." He said, loosely hugging the taller, having to go on his tippy-toes to do so. Nightmare wasn't really a hugger, so he just nodded into Dust's shoulder.

He let him go, opening the dish cupboard again. "Do you want some cereal?" Nightmare stared, but nodded anyway. Dust poured sugared puff wheat into each bowl and pored the milk. He then grabbed a few bananas from the fruit dish and a knife, slicing them perfectly onto each serving as if he'd done this a thousand times. He added spoons to each of them. He grabbed two with his hands, and the others floated behind him. "Follow me."

Nightmare let Dust lead him up the stairs and down the halls, all the way to the bedrooms. To his surprise, he went to Killer's door and opened it.

And there, he saw his whole team, in Killer's bed, huddled up at the headboard. Error was there too, laying at the very end of the bed, a good distance away from the others. Dust smiled and greeted them all, handing each of them a bowl of the sugary breakfast food. He gave the last one to Nightmare as he got in bed with the rest of them, in between Killer and Horror. The God of Negativity just stared at them all. "Wha-huh?? Why are you all..?" Dust smiled sadly. "We all get bad dreams sometimes, boss." Killer let out a chuckle. "Well, I think 'sometimes' is an understatement." Error got out and gestured to the mattress. "Get in, pal." He glanced over them all, feeling remnants of negativity. "Did you all..?" Horror nodded. "Yeah. It is what it is."

"Is this normal for you all?"

"Yeah, kind of. It started when I had a really bad dream," Dust started. "Like, worse than usual. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I went to my best friend here to see if maybe I could sleep with him." "No homo though," Killer quickly added. "Yeah no bro, of course not." Cross chuckled. "So anyway, I knocked Killer let me in, right? So it was all fine and good. Then the next night, Horror and I both had a bad dream. So I told him, 'well, Killer let me in with him when I had a bad dream last night, so maybe he'll let us both in'. So I knocked again, asked him if we could sleep here again, and he's all like 'sure, why not'."

"How generous I am!" Killer said.

"Indeed." Horror responded.

"And then Error wanted to stay that one time, remember? And he didn't have a bedroom so Killer let him in because he didn't care at this point, and invited Horror and I so it would be more like a slumber party! Then Cross got all lonely so he joined us, too! We were considering inviting you as well, but we didn't want to disturb you because you were kinda mean back then."

"And then I just kinda kept coming back whenever I saw that Killer had company so I wouldn't be too much of a bother." Error said. "Which is everyday now, with the odd time that I don't get any company." Killer added. "And hey, you're never bother, man! You're actually the best to bunk with because you stay on your side of the bed and don't steal the blankets." "Yeah, Cross." Horror and Dust said simultaneously. "Wha-hey!" Cross semi-yelled, putting a hand over his chest defensively. Nightmare giggled. He already felt more relaxed. "Oh, and Nightmare, you're always welcome to bunk here with us too, eh? It's not like you'll be the only one." Nightmare smiled, feeling his consciousness slip away.

" guys are the best..."

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