A Letter From A Friend (=FGOD!Error=)

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My dearest friend Error,

I know you are already long gone, but I need to say some things that I couldn't bear to before you left us, even if it's just by writing them on another page of our book of bad memories and trauma. You were my best friend, throughout all of the hardships our roles in this world had caused us. Perhaps somewhere else where we don't play the roles of God of Destruction and Guardian of Negativity, somewhere else maybe we are happy. I know you will never read these words, but I wanted to say that I am sorry for everything even if it's now too late to say as much to you personally. Everything we went through, and everything I put you through back then. I know we agreed back then when we broke off that we didn't mean our malicious intentions to hurt us, and our need for positive attention caught up with us before we knew it which is how it all turned to disaster. But, I still think about what could've been to this day even with someone new by my side despite my better judgement. Our friendship was plagued by these memories, or at least it plagued me every time I saw you for years. I just wanted to say that I was so, so sorry, and we both know it wasn't just for then. I don't know how you ever forgave me for my own selfishness, if you ever did that is. Regardless of our differences, all that I did wrong, and possibly all that you did wrong, you were a saint to us all. The others miss you so much, my friend. Blue misses you too. He's been staying with us for the past few days, clinging to the things that remind him of you. He loved you so much. I hope you know that.

If there's even a small chance that you can read these words I'm saying to you, Error, I want to tell one last thing before you truly leave us, and that is don't blame yourself for any of this. We all had a part to play in the way things turned out, and your unhappiness is never your fault. No one's happiness is only because of them. Your want to take responsibility for the actions that weren't yours fascinated us all. You really were a saint, believe me when I say we all think so. Wherever you are, wether there's heaven up there, or paradise, moksha, or nirvana. I hope you are happy, even just a little bit. We'll all miss you, and we'll never forget you.

With beautiful memories,

Nightmare Lachrymose Joku

[on the bottom of the page, there are stains of water droplets.]

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