18 {Pft- you think}

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"Pft- you think I'm sweet?" He smirked at me.

"I mean, obviously! Look at this," I shoved the moonstone in his face. "And it isn't just the fact that you saved this for 10 years. You're actually trying to get along with my brother. And if you weren't trying at all I wouldn't have said yes. Besides, you keep me on my toes," I smiled. He smiled too and wrapped his arms around me right under my butt and lifted me so that my feet were at the same level as his knee's and my hands rested on his shoulders. "You can put me down now," I smiled nervously.

"Nah," He smirked as he continued walking. I groaned and tried to lay my head on his shoulder until I realized that I was too high up for that.

"Put me down or I'll shock you," I signed.

"You won't shock me, I'm too sweet," He smiled evilly at me. I made the electric currents so strong in my fingers they were visible. "Do it," He teased. I depleted the strength as I sighed. He thought he had won. I sent some electricity to my lips and leaned down to him. His eyes went wide for a second as he smirked and met my lips, then dropped me from the shock. "Y/n! That's not fair!" He complained as he held his now tingling lips.

"Are you sure it just wasn't your love for me?" I giggled as I signed. "Let's just hold hands," I smiled. He puffed his lip out while doing his little angry pout and complied. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the park. I flopped into a swing and he sat next to me without releasing my hand. "Push me!" I signed with a smile.

"What?" He asked.

"P-U-S-H M-E," I spelled it out.

"Fine," He rolled his eyes as he stood up. He walked behind me and started to lightly push me. When we were both bored of it we walked back home and went straight to my room. Izuku went to sleep early with his headphones on full blast. "Y/n," Katsuki started as I grabbed my signature hoodie and shorts.

"Yes?" I turned to him.

"I love you," He smiled.

"I love you too," I signed.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," He kissed me on the cheek after grabbing his spare clothes.

"Okay," I smiled. He went to shower and I changed into my clothes and climbed up onto my bunk and cuddled into my blanket. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

"Oi," Katsuki tapped my face. I opened my eyes and he was staring down at me from above me. I sat up sleepily and yawned.

"What- time is it?" I went from voice to hands.

"10. I just want to lay next to you and you were in the way," He answered with a bit of disappointment in his voice. I nodded as I scooted over so he could lay next to me and I turned out the lights as he climbed up next to me. "Goodnight Y/n," he cuddled me.

"Night," I whispered. He smiled into my hair and we went to sleep.

"Y/n! Kacchan!" Izuku shook us.

"Touch me again and I'll rip your hand off!" I did a growl and a yawn at the same time as I shot up.

Katsuki reached over me to smack Izuku's head like an alarm clock. "Eep!" Izuku ducked down.

"Sorry if I annoyed you," I signed. Sadly he didn't see it. He sat up and rubbed his eyes with a yawn.

"Guys get up! We're gonna be late!" Izuku yelled as he slammed the door.

"Late!?" Katsuki was wide awake now. I flipped over the rail and he followed. I changed into my uniform in the bathroom at the speed of light and we all sprinted to the train station. We barely caught the train and made it to class on time. Today we were having a custom battle exorcise in hero training. Me and Katsuki were on a team and Uraraka and Izuku were on the same team. Turns out we're battling each other T-T.

"Okay Katsuki, you can't leave my side alright?" I signed.

"Tch- fine," He rolled his eyes.

"Yay!" I jumped up and down. He slightly smiled as we hid the bomb decoy. We also made sure there weren't any loose objects in the room that Uraraka could use.

"Heroes released!" All Might beamed into the mic. We stood our ground behind the bomb so that we could surprise them when they entered the room. We played rock paper scissors for a little bit until we heard voices.

"It's surprising we haven't run into Kacchan yet. I thought he'd be walking around. So either they're both with the bomb, they're both walking around, Kacchan's walking around and we haven't run into him yet, or Y/n is walking around and we haven't run into her yet," Izuku told Uraraka.

"Bakugou hates you right?" Uraraka asked.

"Yeah. But I wouldn't be surprised if my sister was able to get him to stay with her. He prefers hanging around her," Izuku stated. I saw Katsuki's vein bulge and grabbed his hand.

"Wait," I signed. He breathed and gripped my hand tightly.

"Ok," He signed back.

"Oh, I think they're both walking around Deku! There's the bomb," Uraraka stated. We smirked as we heard her footsteps enter the room.

"Wait! Uraraka! It could be a trap!" Izuku grabbed her arm and pulled her back right before she entered my range for zapping behind me.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Uraraka questioned.

"Y/n Is a huge strategist. She probably has some sort of trap in the room," Izuku answered.

"How would there be a trap in an empty room?" She questioned.

"It's empty. The other rooms aren't. Y/n did something,"

A//N: Pfft- way to ruin it ~ Versailles7753

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