8 {Coming! I could}

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"Coming!" I could hear my mom. She's putting on a brave personality. "Oh! Hey Akuma. Come in," She invited him in.

"Where's the brat?" I heard his voice.

"She has a friend over right now," Mom's voice wavered.

"And her friend is more important than her father!?" He directed it at my room. I groaned.

I hopped off the bunk and Katsuki shot me a confused look. I opened the door and glared at Akuma. "For your information, yes, my friend is way more important to me than you!" I signed.

"Y/n, be nice?" Mom pleaded from behind him. I sighed and closed my door.

"What the hell was that about?" Akuma asked.

"Ah- She doesn't talk," Mom answered.

"Tch- she's a mess up," I could hear the venom in his words. I stared at the ground as I walked back to my bunk. I climbed up and sat on the other side of Katsuki.

"T-That's not true!" Mom defended me. I sipped my coffee with dead eyes.

"Let's get back to the alphabet," I texted Katsuki. He was glaring at the door and jolted when his phone buzzed. He nodded and we were able to finish the alphabet. When we started on the numbers my door opened. Both of our heads shot up and Akuma was standing there.

"So this is your boyfriend," Akuma glared at me. "You think a god damn middle school relationship is more important than your father?" I rolled my eyes as I went back to teaching him 1. "Answer me you fucking mess up!" He grabbed my arm from over the rail. Out of reflex I activated my quirk and he released me with a yelp. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" He shouted at me. I pushed myself to the wall as I stared at him with wide eyes.

He was about to attack me with his own quirk when Katsuki grabbed him by the arm. And thank god that Akuma is wearing long sleeves. "Don't let him touch your skin," I wrote to Katsuki. He started talking.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are. But I think no respectable adult would loose their shit over someone not answering them with their voice. Also, I'm not her boyfriend. She just happens to be teaching me a new language today," Katsuki glared at him. You're one to talk. "If you ever harm Y/n, you can bet your ass is gonna get burnt," He activated his quirk in the opposite hand. Akuma growled as he snatched his arm away. I held Katsuki back and grabbed my phone.

I started to type in text to speech. "I don't see you as my father. You lost the right to that name a long time ago," My phone spoke.

"Tch- what makes you think you have a say in anything," He rolled his eyes. "You have my DNA-"

"You don't pay child support, you haven't been in my life for the last 10 years, you gave me PTSD, the list goes on and on," I typed into my phone.

"Akuma? Where did you go?" I heard mom. He rolled his eyes as he turned around and started to walk out.

"You can't change who you're related to," He smirked at me then walked out. I could feel myself trembling.

"Oi, you're trembling," Katsuki stated.

"I know," I typed. I leaned back and pulled my blanket over my legs as I stared at my hands.

"Is that bitch why you don't talk?" Katsuki asked. I simply nodded. I heard him sigh. I looked at him and he avoided eye contact. "Come here," He held his arm out. My eyes went wide. "Well do you want a hug or not!?" He asked. I giggled as I scooted closer to him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and held my left bicep. I leaned my head against his shoulder and he sat his jaw on my head. We sat like that for a few minutes. I poked his stomach and he jumped. "What?" He asked.

"We should get back to the numbers," I texted him.

"Yeah," He released me and we got back to sign language. I heard yelling and I stopped. He looked up too.


"YOU GAVE HER THE PTSD!" Mom argued.

"WELL THEN SHE'S A FUCKING WEAKLING! JUST LIKE YOU!" He shouted at her. My eyes went wide as my body moved on it's own. I jumped off the bunk and ran into the kitchen. I saw him trying to advance on her. I jumped onto the counter and my All Might socks made contact with his head. He fell to the ground and held his head.

I quickly typed out, "Don't touch my mom you bastard!" As I glared at him. I picked mom up and placed her on the other side of the counter. She gave me wide eyes. "Mom, I'll escort this guy out, just go to your room until I'm done," I signed. She nodded and went to her room.

"You little shit," He growled as he stood up. "You'll pay for that,"

"Come get me then," I typed as I pulled on my under eyelid and stuck my tongue out. He growled and lunged at me. I used my quirk to boost myself backwards and off the counter. He hopped over the counter and chased me. I ran out the door and down the stairs. I hid around the corner and as he passed I used enough electricity to make him pass out. I picked him up and carried him to the front desk. "Hey Heather," I signed to the lady with hearing aids that sit's behind the desk.

A//N: follow me on insta, only if you wanna tho. Choateraineautumn! Also go follow my friend, FanficsGaloreLover. She's got a great stream of fanfics going on! ~ Versailes7753

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