31 {Of course, Idiot}

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"Of course, Idiot," Katsuki stepped in front of me and crouched down. I hopped on his back and hugged my arms around his neck. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded. "Alright, just don't fall in your ass!" He smirked as he stood up. I rolled my eyes at him as he started walking. I buried my face in his neck and INHALED the warm caramel scent.

"Caramel," I whispered on his neck. A shiver ran down his spine as his face tinted red.

"FUCK OFF!" He shouted with anger as he attempted to drop me. I clung my own body around his with wide eyes.

"Wait! What's wrong!?" I asked as I signed with my hands then went back to clinging to him.

"I said to get the fuck off!" He tried to peel me off of him.

"Katsuki!" I whisper yelled. "What did I do!?" I asked.

"Just get off!" He shouted once more. My eyes widened as I slowly unwrapped my arms and legs and landed on me feet on the ground. Before he could run off I grabbed him by the arm. "Let go Y/n," He glared at me as he growled. I shook my head and he growled.

"I want to know why you're so upset," I whispered at him. I could almost see his eyes watering before he shoved me to the ground and took off running. My butt hit the concrete painfully and my face twinged in pain. He was running towards his house. I hadn't noticed it, but I had started crying. I should get some advice from mom before going after him.

So I sprinted home using my quirk, even though it made the tears on my cheeks sting. When I got inside Izuku and mom gave me worried glances. "Y/n? What happened?" Mom got up from the table to walk over to me.

"Mom," My voice cracked slightly and her eyes widened. "I need some advice," I wiped the tears off my face and gave a determined look. So we sat down. And talked it out. "Thanks mom!" I waved as I ran out of the house. I used my quirk to run to Katsuki's house and when I got there Mitsuki opened the door.

"Careful. He's in a bad mood," She stated as she stepped aside to let me in. I nodded and walked to his room. I knocked and waited.

"I SAID LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE OLD HAG!" Katsuki shouted from the other side of the door. I could smell an abundant amount of cologne that had been sprayed. I knocked once more. "GO AWAY!" My eyebrow twitched as I hit it harder. I heard him growl as he stood up and came to the door and opened it barely. I shoved it open, stepped in, and closed and locked it behind me. His eyes widened as he processed what just happened. "Fuck off!" He growled. I turned on the light and he hissed slightly. I saw his eyes were red and puffy. I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to his bed. I forced him to sit down and hugged around his shoulders while I stayed standing. He flinched and tried to shove me off.

"Katsuki," I whispered. He stopped trying to shove me as his tears started back up and he hugged around my waist tight.

"I'm sorry," His voice cracked as he talked quietly. "I shouldn't have shoved you. Or overreacted,"

"Don't apologize," I shook my head. "I'm the one that brought up the caramel scent,"

"Well I'm the one that made you cry!" He growled. My eyes widened.

"How could you-?"

"You used your quirk to get here right?" He asked. I nodded. "The tears electrocuted your cheeks and now you have a burn on your cheeks,"

"Hm," I hummed. "Okay but why are you crying?" I asked. He flinched.

"Can we turn the light off?" He asked. I used my quirk to turn it off. "Thanks," He muttered. I nodded before sitting on the bed beside him, breaking the hug. "I thought you were going to make fun of me when you brought up the caramel. And I thought you were going to be upset with me about shoving you and running off," He stated as he hugged a pillow.

"Katsuki, I love the caramel scent," I grabbed his hand.

"Well I don't!" He raised his voice. He flinched at his own escalation in volume, then sighed.

"Why don't you?" I asked as I moved so that we were right against each other, thigh to thigh.

"Because some idiots teased me about it while we were growing up," He growled as he answered. I hummed as I thought for a minute.

"Well, you shouldn't listen to them," I gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "It's not your fault you always smell like a snack," I tried to lighten him up. But he growled. "What?" I asked.

"I don't fucking like jokes about the way I smell," He growled.

"Snacks smell good though," I stated. "Would you hate it that much if I called you my little snack?" I asked as I leaned my head on his shoulder. I could feel him use his other hand to cover something. I looked up at him and saw a subtle blush tinting his features. "Hm? My little snack?" I smirked slightly.

"Stop!" His entire head went red along with his neck. I snatched the pillow away from him. "Hey-!" I grabbed his face in my hands and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. I could tell his eyes widened before he settled into it and returned it. His hands found their way to my neck as he deepened the kiss. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and we battled for dominance. I won this one. My tongue explored his mouth like a cave.

And when we pulled apart I stuck my tongue out and said, "See, you're my little snack,"

Katsuki Bakugou X Reader {The mute twin of Izuku}Where stories live. Discover now