14 {He was about}

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He was about to walk past me when he suddenly stopped. Izuku was at the desk moving stuff so we could see our mail. "Before I forget," He whispered as he wrapped his arm around my torso. He pulled me to him and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you," He smirked.

"I love you too you big dummy," I kissed his cheek as he released me. He left and I joined Izuku at the desk.

"I told ya so," Izuku smirked.

"Shush," I shushed him. "Focus on the mail. You're shivering,"

"Yeah. The only bot I destroyed was that zero pointer," He sighed sadly.

"But, you did save a life," I stated. He nodded as he tore ours open.

"I am here as a projection!" All Might's face popped up making me shoot backwards. I fell to the ground and Izuku jolted.

"All Might!?" Izuku shouted. "Wait, this is from U.A. right!?"

"Actually, I came to this town to work at U.A.," All Might stated. I stood back up. "I see your sister is here too!"

"I know about one for all," I signed.

"Yes, your brother told me you were the one person he could never keep a secret from," He beamed.

"All Might is working at U.A.?" Izuku asked with wide eyes.

"Izuku Midoriya, even if you passed the written exam, you still got zero points on the practical exam. Of course that means you didn't pass..." All Might stated.

Before Izuku could speak I signed, "But... Go on," I knew Izuku passed with rescue points.

"If that were all there was to it. First take a look at this video!" He pointed at a screen and pressed play. The girl that he saved popped up.

"Excuse me, um..." She started.

"The nice person!" Izuku recognized her.

"Um, the person with curly hair and freckles... Is it possible to give him some of my points? I heard him say 'If I can just get 1 point,' so I thought maybe he was still at zero points... At least the points he lost because of me... He saved me!" She stated.

"Your actions spurred others to act," All Might stated before turning back to us. "The entrance exam the other day was not graded only on villain points! How can a hero course reject people who save others and do the right thing? Call that lip service? Bring it on! It's a job that requires risking one's life to put that lip service into practice! Rescue points!" A screen appeared and showed that Izuku was in 7th with 60 rescue points.

I felt my eyes go wide with happiness as my mouth curled into a huge smile. I picked up my brother and spun around. "You did it you did it you did it you did it!" I whisper yelled as I sat him back down. He was clearly dizzy.

"Midoriya Izuku, 60 points! And Uraraka Ochaco! 45 points!" All Might beamed. "You both passed.

"This is so crazy!" Izuku was tearing up.

"Midoriya Y/n, you got 2nd with 76 points! Just behind Bakugou Katsuki by 1 point!" All Might stated.

"Oo, Katsuki you're lucky I'm dating you otherwise I'd verbally abuse you!" I signed.

"Ksh- Wait, what!?" All Might asked as he choked on spit.

"Good job Y/n!" Izuku picked me up and spun me around. I was getting dizzy so I lightly shocked him. "Ow! Harsh!" He held his hand as he dropped me.

"You two would make a great power couple!" All Might beamed. I snorted.

"Yeah I guess so," I smiled.

"Anyways, welcome to U.A.! This is, your hero academia!" All Might extended a hand. Izuku and I were tearing up.

My tears shocked me. "AH SHIT!" I yelped as I wiped them away.

"I must get a move on, have a good day and congratulations!" The projector turned off.

"Momma! We made it!" I ran out of our room and hugged my mom who was pacing outside our room.

"That's wonderful!" She cried as Izuku came in and finished the group hug. We ate lunch with smiles on our faces. I told her about the placings and everything, except the alright one for all thing. As soon as I was done there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," I signed. I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it and Katsuki was wearing the biggest smirk ever.

"So, did you get in?" He asked.

"We both did," I smiled. "Also, you're so fucking lucky we're dating otherwise I'd verbally abuse you right now! You beat me by 1 point!" I signed.

"I know," He snorted. His hands were behind his back.

"What's behind your back?" I asked.

"Nothing," He smiled.

"There's obviously something," I tried to look behind him but he moved. "Katsukiii!" I rolled my eyes.

"Just go back to the table," He was grinning. I rolled my eyes and went back.

"Who was it?" Mom asked.

"Katsuki's here, he told me to go back to the-" My signing was interrupted by Katsuki wrapping his hands around in front of me. I felt a cold metal on my neck as I felt his hands fiddling with the chain in the back and my eyes widen. Mom's eyes widened and Izuku was smirking at me.

He removed his hands from behind my neck. "There," He said. I looked down and there was a silver chain necklace with a moonstone.

"Holy-" I stopped myself from speaking any further. "Where did you get the money for this?" I asked

"I found the Moonstone forever ago. You remember when I fell into the river and he tried to help me? I found it before he walked down there. I brought it home and it sat in my desk for a few years. I had my mom make it into a necklace last year," He answered while referring to Izuku.

A//N: hahYEET ~ Versailles7753

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