11 {Just know that}

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"Just know that I will be unavailable after school and on the weekends, so don't worry about it," He rolled his eyes. He started to continue to walk to us. When he got to us he spoke. "What am I learning today?" He asked.

"Basic phrases again," I signed.

"Really!? I thought we were done with those!" He groaned.

"Nope, but you're getting better," I signed. He only know's these because of how often I use them now.

"Psh-" He stuffed his hands in his pocket as we walked. We started walking to the station and got on the train. Our days went like that on repeat till the end of school. So we have about a month till the U.A. entrance exams. And Katsuki's followers followed us on the last day of school. We got to the apartment and they followed us. Of course when they asked mom if they could come in she let them.

"So Katsuki, do you understand this? The way my quirk works is I use the over abundant amount of electricity in my body to shock my opponents, charge things, etc. But if I overuse it my body starts to go numb. I can also control electricity in lights and stuff like that," I signed.

"You said ..." He repeated it word for word. I smiled.

"See, it's not that hard, once you get the hang of it," I signed.

"That's only because I actually had a teacher that lives, eats, and sleeps the language this time," He signed with a smirk. I nearly choked.

"Well if you plan on going mute anytime soon you got it," I signed while refraining from laughing.

"OI! WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!? YOU THINK I PLAN ON GOING MUTE!?" He shouted. I just busted out laughing, until I heard a sound. My eyes darted to the door. "HEY PAY ATTENTION TO ME WHEN I-" I covered his mouth.

I put my finger up to my own. I felt the electric currents in my room. I used the one in my lamp by the door and shocked the door knob, shocking whoever was listening in on us. I jumped off the bed and opened the door. It was Katsuki's followers. "Who let you in?" I glared.

"Your mom," The translating guy that I never bothered to learn the name of answered. I sighed as I rubbed my temples.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"We wanted to know where Katsuki was going everyday!" The other glared at me. I heard Katsuki jump off of my bed and walk over to us.

"I thought I told you two not to worry about it," Katsuki was fuming. "So get outta here before I kick your asses,"

"Are you replacing us!?" The translating one asked.

"I'd never follow him. At least not in the same way you two do," I rolled my eyes.

"So what if I am?" He asked with murderous intent in his eyes. "She could easily beat you both at once in a fight. I walked out in front of him and used so much electricity in my hands that it was showing.

"I do not appreciate you lying to my mother. Get out of our house or they'll have more patients in the ER," I signed with my electrical hands. They shivered and bolted out. I sighed as I equally dispersed the energy through my body. "Glad they aren't strong enough to even try for U.A.," I signed to Katsuki.

"Yeah," He agreed. We spent the next month training for the exams. The only part I truly remember was fighting the faux villains.

"Izuku, since we are splitting up, be hella careful," I signed to my brother who just got ridiculed by a guy in glasses.

"Yeah yeah, you sound more and more like a mix of mom and Kacchan everyday," He sighed.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY NERD!?" Katsuki shouted. I could feel the embarrassment creeping it's way into my features.

My hands trembled as I signed, "Shut up Katsuki!"

"Tch-" He growled as he prepared for the fight ahead.

"READY!? GOOOO!" The hero Present Mic shouted. I waved to Izuku as I used my quirk for a small extra boost to get in quick.

"Yes! There's electric currents throughout this place!" I signed to myself. I ran through and ran into two bots. I moved the electricity from the one on the right to the one on the left. The one on the right powered down and the one on the left exploded. "Heh, not even a minute in and I've already got six points," I did the same with more and more bots as I ran around. I heard explosions and smiled. Katsuki. I kept running around for the remainder of the time and in the last couple minutes I felt vibrations. I saw the zero pointer Present Mic was talking about and a girl with a round face laying on the ground. Everyone was running the opposite direction of the bot. I also saw Izuku's legs giving out from fear. I froze as I watched Izuku launch through the air using his new quirk, He told me about All Might since he can't keep a secret from me, and punched the faux villain.

"Whoa!" I heard gasps from the people behind me. He started to fall and just noticed that his arm and legs were broken. I subconsciously started running towards him. He was aiming another punch at the ground until the girl smacked him in the face!? He started floating and I ran right to him as the girl released her quirk.

I looked at him then at her. "Thank you," I signed.

"Um... What?" She asked.

"She said thank you," Izuku translated as he grit his teeth from the pain.

"And you!" I turned around with my hands on my hips after signing.

A//N: Muwahaha haha! Izuku be getting in troubleeeee. If u wasn't a mute his ears would be dead ~ Versailles7753

Katsuki Bakugou X Reader {The mute twin of Izuku}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant