39 {Once we were}

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Once we were done washing up we all went to the outdoor kitchen and began cooking. I was working with Katsuki, who was trying to light the fire via explosion. I snapped my fingers, trying to get his attention, but he had already set off the explosion. And when he saw that it messed up the fireplace he looked shocked. Pun intended.

I shook my head as I approached him and set my hand on his shoulder. "The hell's that supposed to mean!?" He shouted, angry and embarrassed. I smiled at him and patted his head before motioning for him to scoot back. He begrudgingly did and sat down as I concentrated some electrical currents from my pointer fingers to be in a straight line. I felt a slight zap on my neck, but didn't mind it as I used the electricity to start a fire on one of the logs.

"How'd you do that?" Denki asked, surprise lacing his voice.

I wrote in the dirt, "Magic," and laughed.

He frowned. "We've got the same quirk so how come your's is so much cooler?"

I wrote in the dirt again. "We don't have the same quirk. Your's is electricity, mine is electrical current. I can control and sense electricity. I also have a lot of electricity built up in me. But I'd have to say you have more than I do, and that's pretty cool."

Denki smiled as if he had stars in his eyes "Tch, but when he short circuits he's even stupider than usual," Katsuki growled. "Whereas you just walk around looking dead or something,"

I punched him in the arm.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL?!" He shouted. I motioned towards Denki, who looked like he just emotionally got his ass kicked. "What about him!?"

"You're being mean."  I sign.

"News flash Y/n, I'm an asshole." Katsuki snaps at me. My eyes widen and the facial expression I make is "The fuck did you just say to me?" ... "Or did you forget that?" He growls.

Our classmates stop what they're doing, watching to see my reaction. "Ohhh lord..." Izuku ducked behind a counter.

"Tch." Katsuki stands up and walks away, shoving his hands in his pockets. I clench my fists at my side, agitated and confused. Where did the sudden hostility come from?

I watched Aizawa Sensei follow Katsuki into the building before I turned back to my cooking station. Izuku slowly peeked over the counter and I did Iida's iconic ✨BOI✨ hand at the door of the building, as if asking "What the fuck!?" 

"I-I dunno." Izuku smiled nervously. I glance back at the building and then huff before going to cut some meat. "Maybe he's on his period?" Izuku tries to lighten the mood. I glare at him and he flinches. "Alright- I get it." He mutters as he cuts up the vegetables.

Denki approaches me. "Ah- did I do something wrong?" He asks softly so as to not irritate me. I shake my head with a sigh. "Then what-"

"I don't know." I sign. Denki glances at Izuku for translation.

"She said she doesn't know." Izuku informs.

"Oh..." Denki's gaze drops to his shoes before he does his part to help make dinner. About 20ish minutes later, Aizawa and Katsuki return. Katsuki trudges to stand beside me, about 4 feet away from me.

Is he distancing himself? Both literally, and figuratively? I ask myself as I glance at him. He's glaring at the cutting board as he cuts up the food. He won't spare me a glance and there's a lump in my throat.

... Annoying... 

I shake my head and pay attention to the food. Once food was ready we all got our food and went to sit down. Katsuki sat beside Kirishima instead of me, and when I approached he glared at me. I flinched and went to sit with Izuku, my heart heavy. Izuku gives me a sympathetic look and then glares at Katsuki. I tap Izuku to get his attention and he flinches and looks at me, I shake my head. He sighs and picks at his food. I can't help but wonder if I did something wrong.

I pick at my food with no appetite as I fidget with my necklace, zoned out.

"Y/n. You have  to eat." Izuku tore me from my thoughts. I flinched at his voice and nodded before I began trying to eat.

"Alright, everyone! Do your dishes and then it's time to go to bed!" Mandalay declared once we all finished eating. I glanced over at Katsuki and he still wasn't looking at me. I sighed before I stood up and went to grab my plate.

"I'll get it. You go on and go to bed." Izuku snatches it before I can. I nod slowly and walk to the girl's room. I find my mat and flop down on it, not bothering with the blanket as I stare at the ceiling.

"... annoying..." I whisper to myself. I feel a pang go through my heart and choke back tears, keeping myself from crying. A few minutes later the rest of the girls come into the room and circle their mats around me. I slowly glance at each of them, confused.

"Are you alright Y/n?" Mina knits her eyebrows as she plops beside me on the ground. 

"..." I go back to staring at the ceiling then sign, "He's never snapped at me like that..." 

Yao-Momo and Tsu both give sympathetic looks before they translate for the girls, who all lay around me. 

"Tch- stupid Bakugou. What a jerk." Kyoka mutters.

"Want us to go hit him?" Toru asks. I shake my head. "Are you suuuure? I can sneak in and do it while he's asleep?" She offers. I shake my head again, cracking a small smile at the thought of him waking up to getting punched by something he can't see. "Alriiiight, if you change your mind just sign so." She giggles. I really smiled at her wording of "just sign so"

"I'm sure everything will be fine."
I sign with a smile as I look at the girls.

A//N: Guess who's baaaaaccckkkkkkk- I am so sorry for the no updates TvT also sorry for inflicting pain with this one. I've got like 6 more chapters planned for like- really far in the future. Like- I've got stuff for when Bakugou gets kidnapped- I've got stuff for when Eri is introduced- and all I need to do is finish connecting THIS piece to the others, then I should have a steady stream for a bit!!! Also---- Sorry if my writing style changes--- I haven't written on this in FOREVER and I've done a BUNCH of different stuff since I had a class on Creative Writing last year... Anyways- for traditions- Yeet

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