13 {I want to}

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"I want to. But there's still, the glaring fact, that you're an asshole to my brother. He doesn't mind the occasional teasing but it makes me mad to see him down. So, will you be nicer to Izuku?" I admitted then asked.

"I'll- I'll try," He muttered.

"That's all I need," I smiled. "I guess I gotta teach you romance phrases now," I signed.

"Well we have all night," He said.

"I guess that's your way of saying you're coming over?" I asked. He nodded with a smirk. "Alright, let me tell my mom," I pulled out my phone.


ME: Hey guys, Katsuki want's to stay the night so we can keep on working on sign language.

MOM: Okay!

IZUKU: He's not sleeping on my bed!

ME: OK Izuku, 😆, don't worry, if anything he'll sleep on the air mattress.

IZUKU: Okay.

"They said it's okay," I signed. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me and I felt my heart race as his hand landed on my waist. I released the energy so he didn't see my blush, but I guess I was too late.

"Whatcha blushing for?" He whispered in my ear, his hot breath hitting it.

"Stop that," I signed with lightning dancing on my fingers so he could see them.

"Stop what?" He teased as we walked.

"Just tell your mom that you're going to be at my apartment," I rolled my eyes.

"She already knows," He stated.

"How?" I asked.

"I told her that if I didn't come home one night that I'd be at your place," He answered.

"I see," I signed. When we got to my apartment he released my side and opened the door for me. I knocked on it as we took off our shoes to tell mom that we were here. "Katsuki, go on and go sit on my bunk. I'll get us some coffee," I signed.

"No, you go sit, I'll get it," He argued.

"Fine," I puffed out my cheek and rolled my eyes as I walked to the room I share with my brother.

"Hey Y/n, I thought you said Kacchan was coming?" Izuku questioned.

"About him," I whispered as I walked over to him and sat down on his bunk. "He asked me out, and I said that I wanted to but there was the fact that he bullied you. I told him I'd only date him if he tried to be nicer," I whispered.

"You what!?" He whisper yelled. "Pft- I was right," He smirked.

"Okay shut up," I rolled my eyes. I stood up and climbed up my bunk. When the door opened Katsuki was walking over with our coffee. He handed them up to me then looked down.

"What're you looking at?" He asked while refraining from using the nickname.

"Nothing," I heard Izuku. Katsuki climbed up beside me.

"I told him," I signed.

"You what?" Katsuki looked at me. "Eh, he was gonna find out eventually," Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Oi, you might wanna wear headphones to bed, we're gonna be up all night learning sign language," He leaned over the rail and told Izuku.

"For a second I thought you were gonna say something else," I rolled my eyes as I handed him his cup. I could hear Izuku plug in his headphones and start to blast music.

"Oh? We can do something else if you want," Katsuki leaned over to me as he teased. I rolled my eyes and placed a peck on his nose to fluster him. He wasn't expecting it and his face went red.

"You came here to learn, so I'm going to teach," I signed with an eye roll as he snapped out of it. By 4 or 5 am he had most of the normal everyday romantic phrases down. Like, I love you, babe, kiss me, let's kiss, etc. He let out a groan as he leaned on me.

"Y/n, I'm tired," He yawned. I giggled as I grabbed a post it note.

I wrote, "Didn't go to sleep till bout 5 am, leave alone unless you want to be angrily zapped," I leaned over and stuck it to the bottom of my bunk so Izuku would see it when he woke up. I grabbed an index card and wrote on it. "I usually go to sleep about now," I showed it to him.

"Can we go to sleep now then?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my stomach.

"Sure," I signed with a yawn. I laid down and he followed. It would be a bit of a squeeze if we tried to sleep on our backs so we ended up sleeping with him as the big spoon and me as the little spoon.

"Night babe," He yawned.

"Night," I wrote with my finger on his arm. He placed a soft kiss on my head as we fell asleep. When I woke up Katsuki was playing with my hair. "What the hell are you doing?" I signed with a straight face. He's still behind me, he's just sitting criss cross.

"Nothing," He replied.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 3 PM," He answered.

I rolled over, accidentally onto his lap, and stared at him. He smirked at me and I realized what he was thinking. He leaned over and kissed me on the lips, of course I returned it. "You should go home to check your mail," I signed when we broke apart.

"Y/N! WE GOT MAIL!" Izuku busted into the room. I sat up with a smile and hopped over the rail.

"Go on! Go check yours!" I signed at Katsuki. "You can come back and tell me what ya got afterwards!"

"Alright," He groaned as he hopped over the rail. He was about to walk past me when he suddenly stopped. Izuku was at the desk moving stuff so we could see our mail. "Before I forget-"

A//N: No answer for u! ~ Versailles7753

Katsuki Bakugou X Reader {The mute twin of Izuku}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora