10 {I'm gonna kill}

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"I'm gonna kill you," I growled while I signed.

"No, I think Kacchan's gonna kill me if I don't get outta here, bye," Izuku bolted out. I groaned as I looked back to Katsuki who was just recovering from the sudden strength.

"I thought if you overused your quirk you'd be unable to use that part of your body for 2 hours," He said. I felt my legs trembling. Then I fell over.

"Damn it," I whispered so that not even an elephant could hear me. He just laughed at me and I looked up. He was holding his stomach from laughing so hard. Pft- good thing the bed frame is made of metal. If I crawl enough on the carpet I can get enough static electricity to touch the bed and have him get shocked. It's worth a try. While he was still laughing I army crawled to the bed. I could feel my hair standing on end as I touched the bed. He sat his hand on the rail to look over and instantly regretted it. He shot back holding his hand and hit his head on the ceiling.

I snorted. "OI! WHAT'S SO FUNNY!? THAT SHIT HURT!" Katsuki shouted at me.

"Karma's a bitch," I used my quirk to make little lightning above my head saying that. He growled as he hopped over the railing without touching it. He crouched down to me.

"You want to stay on the ground for the next 2 hours or what?" He growled. I shook my head. "Then deactivate your quirk," He ordered. I sighed and nodded. I deactivated my quirk and he rolled me over onto my back then picked me up bridal style again. He turned to the bars and made me climb up. Same scenario. I slipped and he caught me by my butt, except this time he was actually squeezing it. I instantly used all the strength in my arms to flop myself back onto the bed. I then used my arms to pull myself to the opposite side of the bed and pulled my legs to me while I sat up. I grabbed my phone as I saw him climb up. "I wasn't intending on kissing you," He said as he sat down.

"What do you mean?" I typed.

"I was just going to hold that till you used your voice to scream out or something. But of course your stupid brother had to barge in," He said with a hint of a growl.

"Pft- It would take a hell of a lot more than that to make me scream out," I snorted as I typed.

"So you'd rather me kiss you than talk," He stated.

"Yes," I signed. He surprisingly understood it.

"So that means yes right?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Haha! See! I'm becoming a master of this language already!" He celebrated.

"That's cuz you're learning from a master," I wrote down. "Also can you hand me my coffee?"

"Yeah yeah," He rolled his eyes as he climbed down. He grabbed my coffee and handed it to me over the rail. I placed my dominate hand flat above my lips and brought it down to point at him. "What's that supposed to mean!?"

"It mean's thank you," I wrote down and showed him when he got back up on my bed.

"Oh," He was dumbfounded. "I thought you were insulting me or something.

"Why would I insult you for handing me my coffee?" I asked as I sipped on it.

"Because it sounds like something you'd do," He answered.

"Yeah, if you took it from me then I'd be pissed," I rolled my eyes. We went back to practicing Sign language. I was teaching him basic phrases. By nightfall Izuku had already taken a shower and Katsuki could almost translate basic phrases, but he still needs some work. "See you tomorrow," I signed while I was seeing him out.

"Shit, I know this one!" He growled. "Is it see you tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes," I signed.

"Yes! See you tomorrow!" He smiled as he ran.

"I don't think I've ever seen him smile like that," Izuku leaned on my shoulder.

"I know... It's fucking terrifying," I signed. Izuku busted out laughing. I snorted with him as we closed the door. We did the exact same thing the next day, except without Akuma. Then, Monday came. We got to the train station and rode it to school. When we got there Katsuki was being chatted up by his followers. When he saw us he told them something than ran over to us. "Uh, can I help you?" I signed. I know for a fact he understands this one.

"What? I can't just come say hi?" He asked with an amused tone.

"I thought you didn't want to be seen with us losers," I signed with an eye roll. I could see he got the jist of it.

"Can we just get inside before the bell rings?" Izuku asked as he tried to break it up.

"Let's go," I nodded as I started walking. Katsuki walked in front of me. Damn, he really likes to be the leader. "Izuku, let's walk a bit slower, I don't want people to think we are his new followers," I signed to my brother.

"Alright," He signed back. We slowed down as Katsuki marched on. As soon as he entered the classroom we picked up our pace and our feet were in just before it rang. We quickly walked to our seats as the day went on. After school Katsuki said bye to his followers and started to walk over to us.

"Wait up man," The one that understands sign language stopped him. "You've been unavailable since Friday, what's going on?"

He turned to him and scowled. "Why do you need to know?" He asked.

"We're worried about you," The other muttered. I could see a vein bulging on Katsuki's head.

A//N: bulgy on the forehead ~ Versailles7753

Katsuki Bakugou X Reader {The mute twin of Izuku}Where stories live. Discover now