4 {That's not fair!}

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"That's not fair!" Izuku complained.

"Well, I'm done playing and I want to get outta this hella uncomfortable uniform," I signed then I jumped off my bunk. I landed on my butt and looked under the bed. "Get your ass out from under the bed," I typed it into google then had it speak for me. I heard Katsuki hit his head and I stood up. "Get out so I can change," I signed, then remembered that he doesn't know sign language.

Just before I could type into my phone Izuku spoke up from my bunk. "I'm just translating so please don't get mad at me. She said 'Get out so I can change,'" Izuku translated. Katsuki crawled out from under and sat up.

"Well aren't you going to get out Deku?" Katsuki asked.

"He's my brother, I don't care about him being in here. It's you I want out!" I signed.

"Y-Y/n said 'He's my brother, I don't care about him being in here. It's you I want out!'" Izuku said. I sat my phone on my bunk.

"I don't have to leave if I don't wanna," Katsuki leaned back. I did a bit more electricity than usual so that it was showing.

"Please don't kill me Y/n," Izuku said from the top bunk.

"You don't have to worry, it's this baka that has to worry," I signed.

"Okay I am NOT translating that," Izuku hid under my blanket. I reached my hand out towards Katsuki and he jumped onto Izuku's bed.

"Oi, watch where you're aiming that thing," He growled.

I sighed and walked out of the room after turning off my quirk. I got mom to come back in with me. "Mom, please translate for my friend," I signed while internally cringing. She nodded. "Get out of my room or I'll electrocute you,"

"Y/n, isn't he your friend?" She asked. I shot her a look and she instantly translated. "She said 'Get out of my room or I'll electrocute you,'" Mom translated. "Wait, Y/n, what's going on? Why does he need to leave?"

"Because I want to change," I signed.

"Oh! Yeah Katsuki you should get out of their room," Mom said. He 'tch'd and then walked out.

"Thanks mom," I smiled.

"No problem hun," She hugged me. She walked out and closed the door. I quickly changed into shorts and a hoodie without a shirt underneath and climbed back onto my bunk. My arms gave out while I was crawling and I landed on Izuku.

"Gah! You fatty! Get off of me!" He groaned.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I signed as I sat up and pulled the blanket off of him.

"Yeah yeah," He coughed.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" I signed with angry hands.

"Nothing," He chuckled. "We can't stay hiding in here forever. Come on," He groaned as he hopped down.

"As much as I hate to admit it, you're right," I signed as I followed. He changed into basketball shorts and a green shirt then we walked out. We were about to walk in the kitchen when I heard mom and Katsuki talking. "Wait," I signed at Izuku. We both stopped right around the corner.

"Do you know why Y/n stopped talking?" I heard Katsuki ask mom.

"I know a little bit of the reason, but she's not very open about it. It has to do with her father," Mom sighed. "I don't know what happened in his apartment but it traumatized her. She learned sign language with me and Izuku so she could still have conversations and whatnot, but I only ever hear her talk when she's unable to sign, or when she is in the shower, or when she has a ton of emotions, or something. The only person other than her who knows the full story of why though is Izuku,"

"I see. Is there anyway to get her to stop that and just talk?" Katsuki asked. I hopped around the corner with Izuku behind me and I grabbed a bag of chips.

"You talking bout me mom?" I signed with one hand then popped some chips in my mouth.

"I can't hide anything from the ears of you can I?" She giggled. "Yeah. And the only way would be therapy or reassurance, and she said no to both,"

"Cause I don't need a therapist nor do I need reassurance!" I signed.

"She said 'Cause I don't need a therapist nor do I need reassurance,'" Izuku translated.

"So what's the reason she won't talk?" Katsuki stared daggers at Izuku.


"Don't worry Y/n, I promised I wouldn't tell anyone no matter what," He whispered in my ear.

"Well?" Katsuki growled.

"I-I can't tell you," Izuku stuttered. Before Katsuki could say anything I grabbed Izuku's shoulders and turned him to me.

"Let's tell mom that we are going for our daily walk. It's almost 5 anyways," I signed.

"Alright," He nodded.

"Mom!" I signed. She looked at me and nodded for me to continue. "Izuku and I are going on our daily walk,"

"What about Katsuki?" She asked.

"He can feel free to follow us but we gotta go remember? How else can we prepare for U.A.?" I asked.

"Alright, go ahead," She nodded in approval.

"Let's go," I signed at Izuku. He nodded as he slipped on his shoes.

"Oi where're you two going!?" Katsuki yelled as I slipped my own shoes on.

"They're going for their daily walk," Mom answered.

I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and texted him. "You are welcome to join us if you wish," I sent it. He looked at his phone. "Oh just come on," I texted him again.

A//N: Mcblasty Mcblaster, wanna join us for a walk! If so imma scream YEET YEET YEET YEET! ~ Versailes7753

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