Chapter 1 || New Girl

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My name is Katrina, I moved to California just a few months ago, I feel left out and don't really fit in much. My mom has been married to my dad for a really long time, I have a sister named Caitlin while my mother is expecting another child.

It was two weeks before school started, I was nervous out of my mind, I didn't know what to expect in the new school year. But luckily my best friend Diana was here, our other girlfriends had come out here to California to join us.

I had bought my car at the LaRusso auto shop, I got a really great deal on the car and fell in love with it, the girls were with me and we all went to go to the beach. When we arrived, we all got out and started to hit the beach, all of us loved to surf.

We stripped down to our bikinis that was under our clothes, afterwards we grabbed our surfboards and ran to the waves. We did a couple rounds in the waves while surfing, as I was about finished up I didn't realize I was going under a huge wave.

The girls were all cheering for me, I put my hand through the water, it felt amazing. Unlike anything I've ever seen, when I got out from the water I went to land and ran to the girls laughing.

"Did you see that?" I asked approaching them.

They laughed, "hell yeah! Girl that was amazing! Who knew you still had the surfing moves since we were kids!"

"Yeah, it felt amazing!" I said taking a breath.

"Whoa, watch out!" Diana yelled out.

Just as I knew a ball had hit me on my back, I turned looking who did it, I see this guy with swimming trunks on, super dark tanned skin with black hair and braces on. He ran over to retrieve the ball back, I picked it up as he had approached us.

"Sorry about that, can I get the ball back?" He asked.

I let out a soft scoff, "yeah well tell your buddies to watch it next time, and you want the ball back? Go and get it."

I kicked the ball away as it flew passed them, didn't even notice how far I kicked it, "seriously?"

I crossed my arms smirking, "first one to get the ball, owes us a match in volleyball."

"Trina," Diana said.

I turned to her, "don't worry Diana, I know you're not good at it, you'll be keeping score while us girls kick this guy and his friends ass."

The girls ooh'd, the guy smirked, "alright, but one other thing."

"What's that?" I asked squinting my eyes at him with my arms crossed.

"If I win, I get to take you out on a date, but if you win—well we'll just have to see right?" He says coming close to me.

I felt my heart race as he was a good distance from my lips, I smirked and looked at him, "bring it on hot shot."

The girls all cheered, Diana came up next to me as he had walked away to join his friends, "I think he has the hots for you Trina, he's been eyeing you since we arrived."

"Yeah right," I said scoffing as we walked over to join the match.

Sarah slapped my arm lightly, "Diana's right! I even saw it."

"Well we're just going have to see, right?" I said to them.

As we got there putting our stuff to the side, we got into our positions while Diana not being good at volleyball, was the score keeper. I had my eyes on him the whole time just to make sure he wouldn't pull any sketchy stunts while we play, he was smirking at me as well. Now I know it's about to go down, they served first then it came over flying to me then I jumped up striking it down.

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