Chapter 13 || Wedding Planning, Miyagi-Do lessons & Anthony

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The next morning I woke up as today was training day for Eagle Fang to be taught with Daniel, I was excited as to see what Daniel has in store for them. Sam had gotten ready, she had walked with me down the stairs as we brushed our teeth, Amanda had Ariana in her booster feeding her baby food.

"Morning girls," she said.

We smiled as I got a maternity protein shake for moms who are pregnant, I shook it up and began to drink it as I took a banana with me, "morning Amanda."

"Morning mom, bye mom," Sam said walking away after grabbing a granola bar.

"Hey, hey don't forget to kiss Ariana goodbye and hug me goodbye," Amanda said to her.

She smiled turning around giving a kiss to Ariana who scrunched up her nose happily as she kicked her feet, then hugged Amanda, Amanda then turned to me as I sat down at the table watching her feed Ariana who smiles at me.

"So, have you and your family talked about the wedding? The decorations, the catering and who will be playing songs at the wedding?" Amanda asked.

I took in a breath, seeming to forget that Miguel and I are now engaged, "I haven't really thought about it that much, I seemed to forget every time or moment that I'm now engaged with a second baby on the way and taking care of Ariana."

"I understand, you've got a lot on your plate. Why don't you let Daniel and I take care of it? You know let us help out your mom and dad?" Amanda volunteered.

"Help out with what? Morning ladies," my dad said peering into kitchen kissing Ariana on her head then grabbing himself breakfast with an apple.

"You and Felicity for Katrina and Miguel's wedding," Amanda said smiling and winking at me as I looked at her.

He turned around biting into the apple then stood there thinking about, he nodded, "okay, doesn't sound too bad of an offer, thank you Amanda. I'll let my wife know, thank you."

"Of course, it's not a problem," Amanda said smiling.

My dad left since he has a job interview today at a high paying company office, he kissed me goodbye on my head and kissed Ariana goodbye, as well as saying bye to Amanda.

Ariana squealed happily, "will you be taking Ariana over to the dojo?"

"I was thinking maybe you can take her to the dealership?" I asked her smiling.

Amanda smiled, "okay, I can manage that, are you completely sure you want me too?"

"Yeah! I trust you, besides you're her godmother," I smiled.

She gasped, "I'm her godmother?"

"Yes, just don't say anything to Sam because she still is," I chuckled.

She nodded squinting her eyes, "gotcha, alright let's go little princess. Have fun, drive safe and I'll see you all later."

"Thanks Amanda, bye. Bye my angel," I smiled as I hugged Amanda and kissed Ariana many times making her giggle.

I grabbed my shake and purse, I walked to the front door and left. Diana and Sarah were going to meet me there as we were going to discuss the wedding plans, also sending it to Amanda who's in our group chat with Sam and my mom to agree with the plans.

When I arrived there Diana and Sarah were already there, I smiled as I gave them hugs, we walked to the backyard seeing the guys stretching as we talked laughing.

"Dude, you spilled a glass of wine. So what?" Hawk said to Miguel.

"You should've heard the way Mr. LaRusso was talking about Sam's future, I can't even afford a car, let alone college. What if they think I'm not good enough for Katrina?" Miguel said as I walked up coming up next to him holding his hand with Diana and Sarah next to me listening to the conversation.

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