Chapter 8 || Awakening

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I was suspended for two weeks, which my parents didn't like but gave me more time to spend with Ariana, and to go see Miguel at the hospital. I've been keeping up with doing karate at my house, surfing and trying to stay positive throughout all of this.

I brought Ariana over to Sam's while I was hanging out with her, my stomach is bandaged up, as I looked at it in the mirror in the bathroom I remembered what Tory did to me like it was yesterday.

"Hey Trina, you okay?" Sam knocked on the door.

I took in a breath, "yeah, I'm coming."

As I shut the light off and got out I smiled at her then we walked downstairs seeing Amanda making Ariana laugh, then she looks over at us, "hi girls, Daniel and I wanted to tell you that we tried to defend your suspension Katrina but everyone wasn't agreeing with us and it was tough for both him and I to take. So with that being said, there will be security at the school when you walk in."

"What?" Both her and I said in unison.

"You can't be serious mom," Sam said.

She sighed standing up holding Ariana who was holding onto her necklace and playing around, "I'm sorry girls but we tried our best, Tory is expelled, I don't like the expulsion on her that much besides being in Shawshank in my opinion but you won't have to see her at school."

"What about Robby?" Sam asked.

"They're still out there looking for him and is expelled too, I'm sorry Sam," she tells her.

I didn't know much as to what to say, Robby did this to Miguel who is my boyfriend and the father to Ariana, without her seeing him once will devastate me.

"Katrina?" Amanda asked getting my attention.


"You okay?" She asked.

I nodded, "yeah I'm fine."

"You sure?" She asked worryingly.

I nodded, "I'm sure."

"Okay, well you girls have fun. I'll watch over Ariana while you girls go shopping," she tells us.

We nodded smiling, "okay, thanks mom!"

"You're welcome sweetie."

We grabbed our bags, I walked over to kiss Ariana goodbye then Sam follows after me kissing her too, then we walked out and got into Sam's car. As we started driving I got this sickening feeling in my stomach that felt so familiar, I put my hand to my stomach.

"Katrina? Are you sure you're alright?" Sam asked.

I took in a breath feeling the same sickness again, "when did I tell you I had my period?"

"Um, a few weeks ago?" She said sounding confused, "why?"


"What?" She asked.

I looked to her, "I think I'm pregnant."

"Wait, what? When did you have sex? Who did you have sex with?" She asked giving me looks.

I lightly chuckled, "Sam relax, remember I told you that Miguel stayed over at my house before we got back to school?"

"Yeah?" She said then looked away realizing, "oh my god."

I nodded, "yeah."

"But I thought you weren't planning on having another child while you have Ariana," she tells me.

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