Season 5 trailer and release date!!

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Heyyyy my bookworms!!! Miss me? 🤪

Ahem *cracks knuckles*

Soooo as you see here there's a date announcement and new trailer that came outttt!! Ahhh I'm excited!!

What even shocks me more is that Johnny ACTUALLY brings Robby with him, I thought he wasn't but apparently he does so phew 😅 I cleared my fanfic theory right at the end of the chapter there haha 😂.

So, since in the trailer Robby and Miguel are seen fighting in Mexico, I'm gonna put a little feud there where Miguel finds out about Robby and Katrina sleeping together not once, but twice!

I know, I know I shouldn't do it but it's a fanfic and we all love drama right? Right?

Okay shut up Vanessa, they get it.


Anyways, Katrina is pregnant again, and while she's in Mexico there comes some conflict and a little heat drama while she's there. We all know it'll be her ex, but that's not it...

Her dad is half Mexican and left Mexico for a reason, why? Remember her dad mentioned his sister?



Yeahhhhh, clearly there's some unfinished family drama there...😳👀


Anywho, these chapters that'll be coming up for season 5 will blowwww your guys' minds and I know it'll blow mine once I watch it lmao.

I honestly don't know what will happen per-say, but I'm soooo happy and excited Chozen is back!!! Ahh!!!! I knew it, even my dad said he knew it too haha.

Katrina will most likely be in danger from Silver, knowing that he dated her mom back then, but I mean they only dated for five months and her mom left him. Soon after she met Katrina's dad :).

Ugh my mind is gonna go haywire trying to do all these flashbacks and back stories in these chapters to squeeze it all in there.

Just thinking about it I'm getting light headed 😭😭.

Anyway, September will soon be here, count down the days my bookworms because we will soon be back with new chapters!!

I'm just glad we don't gotta wait til New Years haha 😂 cause that was torture for me, even though it was fast af.

Anyway, I love you all! Keep shouting out the story to your friends/family! Binge watch the movies and the show with them so they can read this!

I love you guys! You are all amazing!

Muah 💋

See y'all September 9th!!


🚨 UPDATE !!!! 🚨

Sooooo I saw on Instagram the page of Cobra Kai series posted some pics of the new season and you're not gonna believe who's back....



Some of you may saw it even AFTER I'm telling you my bookworms but hey...I'm pissed lmao 😂

Arghhhh so now I'm gonna have to find a way to squeeze him in with the new chapters, unless I don't since he won't meet Katrina. Maybe will cause an issue with Miyagi-Do now that the new pics show that Johnny, Daniel and Chozen will all work together to take down Cobra Kai.

Maybe they'll have Kreese join them and bail him out? Since Terry did him dirty in the finale episode, so who knows.

My sister tells me that Robby and Katrina should be together because he's "cute" 😒...what do you guys think?

I mean...personally her and Robby DON'T have any chemistry together, they were only friends because Sam dated him and Sam is Katrina's best friend soooo 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk.

What do you bookworms think?

Are you guys team Mitrina or Rotrina?

Honestly idk what ship names sounded good for both but that's all I got lmao 😂

Anyways I'll see you guys on September 9th!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳


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