Chapter 9 || A helping hand

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I was with Miguel at the hospital talking to him telling him almost everything that he missed for a few weeks, even mentioning my suspension, which he felt bad for me on. Sam walked in to say hi to Miguel, she did mention to me that she was going to be stopping by.

"I just came by to say hi and give this get well card to you," she says handing him the card.

He smiles taking it, I smiled at her as she smiled back, I hugged her then she walked out bumping into Hawk. My smile faded as I saw him, he saw me calling Miguel his nickname but then stopped smiling.

I clenched my jaw when Miguel was confused as to what was going on, I walked on over by his bed as he didn't want me to leave, "what's going on?"

"I'm sure Hawk has some information for you that he wants to spill," I said faking a smile, "I'll see you later Miguel."

As I walk on out of his room I headed on over to leave the hospital, I wasn't really looking forward to hearing what Hawk had to say and just with him changing it really didn't seem like he'll be the same but who knows what'll happen.

As I decided to still stick around, I waited in the lobby, then I see Xander come from my peripheral vision. I got tense but kept my cool, I honestly didn't want to see him and wanted nothing to do with him, with him showing himself it proves how desperate he is.

"Katrina I just wanted to apologize on how I treated you, I didn't want our friendship to end this way," he tells me.

I scoffed shaking my head, "with you hitting on Diana like that? Doing drugs at a party full of minors? You got yourself into this and it's not my job to fix your shit anymore, I thought you were my best friend? Diana's too! But turns out that you'll never be the same from when I met you in middle school, you'll always be that guy who'll start fights and get your way on things. Just do me and Diana a favor, don't talk to us anymore and just leave us alone."

As I tried walking away he grabbed on me, I fought against his hold as his grip got tighter on my arms, "let go of me!"

Suddenly Johnny showed up grabbing him and shoving him away from me, "get away from her."

"This is none of your business man, so just walk away and mind your business," Xander says.

Johnny scoffs then shoves him a bit, "really? Because to me it looks like she wants nothing to do with you, so go back to your community service and stay out of her life."

Xander scoffs and walks away, I let out a sigh, "thanks Johnny, I don't know what would've happened if you didn't show up."

"You're welcome, you know since you and Miguel got together, I knew that not only I have to take care of him but I also have to look out for you too," he tells me.

I smiled nodding, "thank you Johnny."

Both of us walked in Miguel's room as he tried to reach for his phone, when he looked he saw Johnny, "what are you doing here?"

"You want that phone?" He asked.

Miguel nodded, "yeah."

Johnny moved the cart away as I try to comprehend as to what's happening and what he's doing, "go on and get it."

"But I can't the doctor said I may never—"

"Quiet!" Johnny yelled causing me to jump in scare, "'cant' 'won't', those are just words from someone who's not willing to give it a try. But I'll be by your side and always will be, and I'll always be your sensei. Now go and get your phone."

Miguel nods hearing the words he needed to hear, "yes sensei."

I cross my arms putting my hand to my lips biting on my nails nervously, Miguel reaches for the tray where his phone is on but as he tries he had failed causing him to fall off the bed, "oh shit, sorry you took it like a champ, hold on one second, nurse!"

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