Chapter 4 || The News

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Two weeks ago, Saturday night

I hung out with Diana and Xander, we hung out at the skating rink skating around having a good time. We sat at a table eating and laughed at our conversations, it was great talking to them again.

"So Katrina, I hear that you've joined Cobra Kai, I even also heard that you're going to be entering the All Valley tournament, that sounds great!" Diana says.

I smiled, "yeah Cobra Kai's great, I'm excited for it and just hope I win."

"Oh don't worry, we'll be there to cheer you on girl," Diana says.

I smiled, "what about you Xander? What's been going on?"

"Nothing much, been surfing a lot and I'm glad I moved here to see you girls again, trust me it's been a long while. But overall I'm doing alright, my mom has been trying to get out there since my father died years ago," Xander explained.

Both Diana and I nodded, "hey I'm going to grab us some drinks, be right back."

As she left Xander drank the last sip of his Coke, "now that she's gone, been meaning to ask you this question."

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I asked smiling.

He smirked, "you and I should go out sometime, just you and me alone. But I've been meaning to ask, how are you and Miguel? He treating you right?"

"So nosey Xander, what did you get a preteen wedgie in your pants already to the point you're itching for information on my love life? Xander I'm the happiest girl ever, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine," I smiled.

He chuckled, "hey now Trina, I haven't seen my best friend in a long time and I'm curious to see if her boyfriend has been treating her right. I just feel like with you two at Cobra Kai, there's something off about him."

"Xander you don't need to worry, he's a good guy and I love him, I know you're my best friend but I don't need your protection anymore. I'm doing fine on my own," I tell him smiling.

"I guess you're right, I'm sorry," he said nodding, "but if he ever hurts you, I'm kicking his ass."


He laughed, "alright, alright."

I laughed, he looked at me smiling, "but we should hangout together, just you and me."

"You mean like a date? Xander come on, I have a boyfriend," I said chuckling shaking my head.

He shook his head smiling, "it's not a date Trina, just two friends hanging out."

"Hm okay," I smirked, "I'll have to check my schedule."

"Oh come on Trina, what you have to ask Miguel if you could hangout with your friend? You don't always have to ask him do you?" He asked me.

I smiled, "I don't always have too, but it's nice for me to ask him because he's my boyfriend and we tell each other everything. Xander, why are you so concerned about Miguel and I?"

"Like I told you, there's something off. But I mean, if you two tell each other everything then I guess you two are meant to be then," he says looking a bit strange.

I looked at him confused, "Xander, are you okay? You haven't been yourself lately ever since I told you I'm dating Miguel, you can tell me."

"Trina I—"

"Alright guys! I got us some more Cokes! Sorry it took long, this guy was flirting with me," Diana says coming back.

I smiled as Xander looked away, "oh it's okay D, wait a guy? Did you flirt back? Get his number?"

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