Chapter 12 || Next Beginning, Ariana's shots & A Familiar Face

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"Let's Begin!"

Demetri raised his hand confused, "uh, begin what exactly?"

Ariana cooed as she had her hands in her mouth as I sat there watching them, "begin a new era, many of us used to be enemies, but rivalries don't need to last forever."

"The All Valley Tournament is just a few months away, and this year, the stakes are higher than they've ever been," Daniel continues, "we know that Cobra Kai is gonna use every dirty trick in the book, there's only one way we're gonna be able to beat them by—"

"By kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves," Johnny interrupts, "we gotta take things to the next level, gonna teach you an aggression stronger than anything Cobra Kai can throw at us. They strike first? We'll pre strike!"

"Okay, we're getting ahead of ourselves, we are going to respond to what they do," Daniel speaks up.

"Eagles do not respond, they swoop down and take whatever they want," Johnny then says, "that's what we're gonna do, take back the valley."

"Take it back in a measured and organized approach," Daniel says.

"We bite first!" Johnny yelled.

Daniel sighs, "okay, let's just warm up with some simple exercises."

"Alright, line up!" Johnny instructs.

"And just breathe and follow me," Daniel says.

"Fighting positions! Right leg back, front kick ready, hi-yah!" Johnny yelled.

Mitch kicked Nathaniel, "shit dude, I'm sorry."

"Ready, fight!" Johnny yelled, "go for the teeth!"

"Hey, hey you're just swinging at each other."

"Don't you teach any defense?" Daniel asked.

"Best defense is more offense."

I sighed as I watched, then I see Diana and Sarah walk over towards me as I had Ariana with me in my lap, "hey! What are you guys doing here?"

"Wanted to save you from the boredom," Sarah smiled, "and from whatever they're teaching."

Diana and I laughed, "how's it going between them two?"

"Honestly, I haven't seen them fight," I said sounding surprised.

They chuckled, "wow, that's not something you hear everyday."

We walked to the front as I had Ariana in my arms, seeing them train the students with barrels that had fire in them along with tires on the dirt, Chris looked sick and ran to the boat which Daniel didn't appreciate.

"Well um, this is going well," Diana said rubbing the back of her neck as we watched.

Ariana cooed smiling and clapping as to seeing this, "it could get worse."

"Hey, wanna meet up later this afternoon for lunch?" Sarah asked us.

"I would love too but Miguel and I have to go to Ariana's doctor appointment for her shots," I said.

They nodded, "okay, well let's go have lunch now while we can."

"Okay, sounds great!" I said smiling.

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