Chapter 20 || Flashback to 1985, Sekai Taikai, and Mat Fight at Cobra Kai

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Hey guys! So sadly like I said before this will be part one of the last chapter, sorry I wasn't able to post this for two or three nights because I was dealing with financial issues of my own.

Anyway, I had a hard time picking a song for this chapter. are the ones I think would've fit.

More- K/DA
Breath of a Life- Florence & the Machine
Til I Collapse- Eminem, Nate Dog

I do hope you guys like it! Gonna keep my A/N in the beginning short and simple.



Felicity's POV


"Hey Felicity! We still on for tonight?" My friend Andrea asked.

I smiled nodding as I was getting my textbooks out of my bag, "yeah! I'll ask Terry if he's still down!"

"Heck yeah! Bring him along! You two are like the golden couple!" Jenna chuckled.

I laughed shaking my head, Terry and his best friend John Kreese are in Cobra Kai, never saw Terry in the "dojo" as he calls it but as far as I know Terry is a successful businessman helping Kreese with Cobra Kai. Wasn't really my thing to see, but was happy for him. Although, I didn't like the sound of her saying "power couple"—sad to say I wasn't really happy with him—as people say.

The girls and I walked together, but then I heard a commotion going on outside as everybody ran out to see, the girls and I followed everyone.

It was super crowded from what I could see, I pushed through everyone trying to get my way through, but it wouldn't budge. But I saw an opening and found my way through, I saw Terry fighting this new guy that is a foreign exchange student from Mexico.

I was born in Mexico and practically raised there, but my family moved here, as it was beautiful out here in California. I gasped seeing Terry smirking as he was taunting the guy, the guy had a busted lip that was bleeding and a scar from Terry.

I walked up forward, "Terry, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry babe, I got it all under control," he smirked as he winked at me.

I shook my head rolling my eyes, I watched on as he blew more hits to the guy, I felt so bad that I ran up in between them before it got worse. Terry stopped smirking, John stopped provoking Terry to kick his ass and everyone was quiet.

"Leave. Him. Alone," I warned him as I stared him down like a prey.

He clenched his jaw and unclenched, "sweetheart, this guy—"

"I know who he is, he's new here and doesn't need this proper introduction. I suggest you leave Terry, and leave him alone. If you don't, we're over," I threatened.

Everyone ooh'd, he scoffed, "fine."

As he walks away, John walked up to me, "you know, he had him under wraps until you showed up, he doesn't see it but I do, you're his weakness."

"Do I have to kick some sense into you too John? You lost your girl back then when you were in the Army, seems like you both have something in common," I sarcastically said to him.

He scoffs walking away with a smirk, I turned around as everyone left, I came close to him and as I tried touching him but he flinched, "hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."

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