Chapter 3 || Mercy

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I flipped Miguel on the mat as we had faced each other, everyone had clapped as he was under me, I laughed as he stared at me in amazement with his eyes sparkling. I got up and helped him up, everyone clapped and even sensei Lawrence.

After our karate lessons, we got dressed in our proper clothes, all of us walked outside and I put my things into my trunk as Miguel puts his in the back seat. Joining Cobra Kai has indeed changed me, I just don't know what it was about this place that I felt off about but I indeed love it here.

"So, what are you two doing this afternoon?" Aisha asked us.

I smiled, "going to teach Miguel how to surf."

"Whoa wait, you know how to surf? And do karate? Whoa that's some talent you have!" Aisha said impressed.

I laughed, "right? If you and Hawk would like too, you guys could join us at the beach?"

"Sweet I'd love to! Let me invite Moon," Hawk says pulling out his phone.

"Who's Moon?" I asked.

"Oh, she's his girlfriend," Miguel says.

I smiled but got confused, "he has a girlfriend?"

Aisha laughed, as we talked waiting for Moon, a red car had pulled up and I'm guessing it was her. Hawk smirked seeing her, he had walked up to her kissing her, then Aisha joined Miguel and I going into my car on going to the beach.

It was a pleasant drive there, all of us talked about life and opened up about our past on getting to know each other, it was great talking with Aisha. Diana and Xander texted me in our group chat asking if we could all hangout, I told them I'm free Saturday night. Miguel has some things planned with his mom and grandmother so, at least I'll have the afternoon after school and the evening all to myself on hanging with my friends. But Friday night was our night together, just him and I.

As we got to the beach, I got out the blanket that'll be laid out on the sand for us to have our stuff on, Miguel grabbed the towels while Aisha got the cooler of soda drinks and snacks. All of us walked on the sand to set up our spot, Moon and Hawk met up with us and followed us on the beach.

I got out of my clothes that hid my bathing suit underneath, Miguel changed into his boxers before we left. I grabbed my board while I handed his, Aisha, Moon and Hawk loved the design.

"Alright babe, so what I'm going to teach you is a basic first lesson. Think of it as you learning karate at Cobra Kai, but instead of it being karate, you're learning how to balance on the board in the ocean riding the waves. It's pretty easy, I'll teach you what my dad taught me," I explained to him.

Everyone sat on the blankets eating grapes watching and listening to what I told Miguel, he looked nervous as he swallowed, "you'll be by my side right?"

"Of course! But I won't be there to help you ride the waves, you'll have to do that on your own after I teach you how," I said with a smile.

He nods, "okay."

"Let's go."

Both of us walked towards the water, I set the board down and began to lay on my stomach as I got on, Miguel copied what I did onto his board.

"Now that we're on our boards, you'll have to know how to move it with your arms in order to get to the farthest point of the ocean in order for you to ride the waves. It's just like swimming, but you're on a board, move your arms in a circular motion, just like this to keep the board moving," I explained to him.

As he watched me move it slowly, he did the exact same, then we both started moving even farther from land to the farthest point of the ocean just before the mark ends on how far you should go.

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