Author's note

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Hello dear readers! I hope you are enjoying the story so far. I honestly hate to do this, but with this whole pandemic, my hours at work getting cut, paying my tuition for university, and my bills needing to be paid, I regret to say that I am in need of financial assistance. I have started a Ko-fi page, , that will hopefully help me continue to create these wonderful stories you all enjoy. These stories take hours to write since I don't write small chapters and I try to make the story/ies as detailed as possible for your enjoyment.

With your Ko-fi/coffee donations, each story will be updated once a week, unless something comes up for me such as mid-terms or final exams that prevents me from doing so, or if I really need to study for school exams since I am in my final semester of university and am taking multiple state exams to receive my certification license. In that event, the story will be updated the following week (instead of it being updated in one week, it'll be updated in two). The coffee/ko-fi donation is set at $2 USD, and is a one time donation, unless you are so generous to make multiple coffee/ko-fi donations.

I understand that for most of us money isn't something that is easily come by. If you don't have money or can't afford the donation, that is completely understandable. But if you do, and you have enjoyed my story/ies, please do consider the donation. I have never made a single cent from writing any of my previous stories, and I understand that when writing fan-fictions a majority, if not all writers, do this for free because they love to do it, and I do to. And I never intended to make any monetary gains from writing these stories, but writing these stories takes hours out of my day, and if possible earning even just earning a few dollars would help me not only continue to write these stories, but also support me financially while I write these stories.

Being an adult during a pandemic is hard, especially when prices for basic necessities keep rising and my work hours keep getting cut. I can't thank you enough if you do make a donation. If I could I would give you all a great big hug for it, but we're online friends, so I'll just update the story/ies for you when I get the chance. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always message me through wattpad messages.

Again, if you can't afford to make a donation, don't feel pressured in anyway to do so, I completely understand. But if you can spare a few dollars, that would greatly be appreciated.

Here is the link to my ko-fi account:

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