CH. 20: Date Pt. 2

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The movie ended and Izuku let out a few tears at the romantic ending.

"That was so beautiful", Izuku said wiping his tears away.

"Heh, if you ask me that alpha dude should have ignored everyone else's opinions and just be with the omega from the beginning", Bakugo said.

"But if he did, then he wouldn't have been able to give his partner everything they wanted and the other wouldn't be happy that he gave up everything", Izuku said.

"Tch, whatever. They got together in the end that's what matters.", Bakugo said as he opened the door to exit the theatre.

"Yeah, I guess you're right", Izuku said as he began to walk in the direction of the parking garage.

"Hey Deku, where are you going?", Bakugo asked.

"Um, to the car?", Izuku asked puzzled.

"Nah, I paid for a whole days fee at the parking garage. Let's enjoy the day while we can", Bakugo said taking Izuku's hand as he walked towards the mall. Izuku stared at the joined hands. He smiled slightly at the sight and followed Bakugo wherever he lead them.

The two spent the rest of the evening walking around the mall looking at shops, they went to a nearby zoo and aquarium, making jokes and having a joyous date.

It was about 7 o' clock and the couple decided to eat dinner at a nearby restaurant. They stopped at a restaurant that was advertising they were having a karaoke night. The two walked into the restaurant and there was someone singing the song despacito and people were cheering and talking, and the overall vibe of the restaurant was happy and upbeat. They were then greeted by a waiter.

"Hello, thanks for coming to the MHA restaurant. Tonight we are having karaoke night, you just have to put your name on a piece of paper, put it in this bowl, and if you are called you will have to sing. Would you like to participate?", The waiter asked.

"Yes" "No", Bakugo and Izuku said at the same time.

"Come on Kacchan, it'll be fun!", Izuku said. "I haven't heard you sing in a long time", Izuku said, grabbing a piece of paper and pen for both of them.

"Well I don't want to sing in front of all these losers", Bakugo said. Izuku slapped the alphas arm.

"Kacchan that's not nice. I'm going to participate", Izuku said as he placed his name in the bowl.

"Uh, fine!", Katsuki said.

"Alright let me walk you to your table", the waiter said as he escorted them to a table. Katsuki pulled out Izuku's chair and once Izuku sat down he pushed his seat in.

"Here are your menus. I'll come back and take your order", the waiter said before walking off. The singer finished his song and another person was being chosen.

"This is so exciting, I hope one of us is picked to sing", Izuku said excitedly.

"I just want us to get out of here soon", Katsuki said.

"Well sorry Mr. grumpy, but I will personally pick out your name if I can just to hear you sing.", Izuku said as he looked through the menu, a bit upset with how Bakugo was acting.

It's not that Bakugo hated being there, he was nervous. Throughout the entire day he carried around the engagement ring he bought and was planning to end the date with a walk at the nearby park and propose. There were times where he would reach into his pocket and touch the ring case just to make sure it was there. So since the day was drawing to a close, it meant that his proposal was drawing even closer.

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