CH. 1

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Izuku and Bakugo were playing in the park catching cicadas. They were having a contest to see who could find the biggest cicada!

"Hey Kacchan~", Izuku said in a worried tone, seeing that the sun was already setting.

"What Izuku?", Bakugo said.

"It's getting late, we should start heading home. Mom is going to be worried about us", Izuku said.

"Don't worry, I'm here with you. Nothing bad is going to happen to us", Bakugo said with pride in his voice, puffing his tiny chest.

"I don't know, we should really start heading back, I'm getting hungry", Izuku said giving Bakugo a pleading face.

Bakugo couldn't resist when Deku made that face. "Alright fine, but hold my hand. Last time we went back home through here you kept tripping and got scratches all over your hands and knees and got me in trouble. Clumsy Izuku~," Bakugo said holding out his hand to Izuku.

"Okay!", Izuku exclaimed happily grabbing the hand that was being offered to him, causing the blonde to blush a bit. As they were walking home, they were examining the bugs that they caught in their containers to see who won.

"Ha! I win again Izuku, you could never win against me!" Bakugo said holding his little container of bugs up in the air.

"That's not fair! You're taller than me and can reach for bugs that I can't so I have to go for the low ones!" Izuku said upset. "I'll beat you tomorrow, I know I will win next time." Izuku said with a pep in his step.

"Whatever Deku", Bakugo said.

They made it back to Izuku's house. The boys ate snacks on the couch while Izuku's mom was getting dinner ready for the boys. They were watching a basketball game; their favorite player Toshinori Yagi, aka All Might, was playing against Enji Todoroki, aka Endeavor. They were the two biggest basketball stars in all of Japan. The boys were cheering and applauding at the screen, dreaming that it could be them someday.

"Nee, Kacchan," Izuku said during a commercial break.

"What is it Izuku?" Bakugo said.

"Do you think we could ever play against All might?" Izuku asked.

"Maybe not you, but I will. You're too weak to play against someone like him; you don't even play basketball!", Bakugo said.

"Even then! I want to be seen by someone like All Might!" Izuku said, looking towards Bakugo as he held both fists clenched under his face with excitement on his face.

"Well, I guess I can let you meet him when I become a famous basketball star." Bakugo said with a smirk on his face.

"Eh, how are you going to do that?", Izuku said with a questioning look.

"Simple, when I become a big, famous basketball star, you'll be there by my side", Bakugo said smiling towards Izuku.

"Eh~, why would I be by your side?", Izuku asked.

"Because Izuku, you'll be-"


The sound of an alarm clock was ringing throughout the room. Izuku opened his eyes groggily, turning off his alarm clock. It read 6:30 A.M..

'That memory again huh' , Izuku said to himself as he sat up on his bed. He got himself out of bed and started getting ready for school.

Bakugo and Izuku were best friends growing up. They lived right next door to each other and their moms were close friends after discovering that they were both due relatively close. They practically raised them as brothers. The two boys were inseparable as kids. Katsuki was the 'cooler' friend, even though Katsuki would insist that Izuku was just as cool as him. Bakugo aspired to be like the famous Japanese basketball star Toshinori Yagi, who also went by All Might because no player or team could stand a chance against him. He joined a traveling/club basketball team and he would train every weekday to become a better player. Izuku on the other hand enjoyed just watching the games; both All Mights and Bakugos'. Every chance he could he, his mom, and Bakugo's parents would go watch Bakugo play. Afterwards they would go home and have a celebratory dinner.

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