CH. 22

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*mention of kidnapping and abuse. If you are sensitive to this topic, please skip this chapter*

Bakugo awoke to the sound of an alarm clock. He turned it off and made his way to the shower. He washed off the dirt and grime he collected throughout the night and when finished, he proceeded to brush his teeth and blow-dry his hair.

It was still early in the morning, 6:30 a.m. to be precise. Bakugo was always a morning person and was used to waking up at 5 in the morning for basketball practice ever since middle school. He then went into his closet and put on a t-shirt, some boxers, and some jogger pants while he walked around the dorm room in his house slippers.

He walked into the kitchen and got the necessary ingredients to make breakfast for Izuku and himself. Izuku was on the last day of his heat period, and the whole week Bakugo had a lot on his mind.


"Alpha, I'm ready~", Izuku seductively moaned into Bakugo's ear.

"Fuck!", Bakugo cursed into Izuku's ear.

He pulled himself off of Izuku and ran out of the room. He quickly shut the door, grabbed a chair from the dining table, and placed it under the door handle, locking the omega in heat in his room.

"Kacchan, please! I need you!", Izuku pleaded over and over through the door. He continued to plead and repeatedly bang on the door.

Bakugo bit his lip, walked to his room, and locked his door. He then unzipped his pants exposing his hard on and began stroking it. After a few minutes the alpha came on the floor. "Shit!", Bakugo said. He continued to jerk himself off until the omegas pheromones stopped affecting him and went to bed.

The entire week Bakugo would only knock on the door to notify Izuku that he left food for him to eat and to ask if the omega needed anything else.

~end of flashback~

He couldn't get what happened the night of the date out of his head. Yes, he was thinking about the passionate moment he had with the omega and how he wanted to ravish him, but what took over his thoughts more was the fact that Izuku was close to getting assaulted right before his very eyes. If it weren't for Izuku's pepper spray they may have been at the hospital instead of the comfort of their home, or worse, the omega could have been claimed.

'An omega protecting you? Again!? Why you still haven't changed~. Still that same  little bitch you were ten years ago!', Bakugo's inner thoughts said.

"I couldn't protect him ... again...", Bakugo said as he finished making the pancakes.

As Bakugo continued to make breakfast, he remembered the incident that happened when they were kids that made Bakugo drive the omega away in the first place.

~flashback to when they were about 8 years old~

Izuku and Katsuki were playing in the park as they usually did when Bakugo wasn't at basketball practice. The park was only a few blocks away from their home(s) and the boys were playing with the variety of playsets (Swings, slides, tunnels, etc.).

"Hey Kacchan, we should head home to watch All Might's game. It should be starting soon", Izuku said as he stopped swinging.

"It does? Let's go to my house to watch it, mom said she was making katsudon for dinner!", Katsuki said.

As the two boys began making their way home, they noticed that there was an ominous black truck following them ever so slowly. As the two boys began to walk faster, the car had come to a stop.

As they started to feel safe again, a man jumped out of the car and ran towards the young children. They saw this and began running as fast as they could to get home. Just as they were a few houses away, the perpetrator grabbed a hold of Izuku's arm. Just as he was about to grab Bakugo, Izuku poked the perpetrator in his eyes.

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