CH. 23

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"Katsuki-kun!", Camie said as she hugged the blonde.

"C-camie? What are you doing here?", Bakugo asked, pulling the female off of him.

As the two contiued to geet each other in the foyer, Izuku stepped into an area in the living room where he could see who was at the door.

'Camie? What is she doing here?', Izuku thought to himself. Bakugo closed the door behind Camie and she was in the process of taking off her shoes before entering the room. When she picked her head up she tied her hair up in a bun. That's when Izuku saw her scent gland.  'She ... she's been claimed!?', Izuku thought to himself. Maybe it was because of his emotional state and the fact that he was still in his heat, his heart and mind instinctively thought that Katsuki was the one to claim the omega.

'Maybe that's the real reason Kacchan wants to break up with me?', Izuku thought. The two omegas locked eyes for a second and Camie smiled at Izuku; his tears now falling faster than ever. He frowned, ran into his room and slammed the door.

"Did I interrupt something?", Camie asked, making her way to the couch.

"Yeah ... you did", Katsuki said walking into the living room.

Before Katsuki could take a seat, Izuku came out of his room and immediately made his way for the front door.

"Izuku! Where are you going!?", Bakugo asked but was only met with the loud sound and vibrations from the front door being shut aggressively.

"Oh my! I hope he's okay. He's letting off a dangerous amount of distress pheromones", Camie said looking towards the foyer.

"I know! What are you doing here Camie?", Katsuki growled, the hairs on his neck standing on edge from the omegas pheromones. Every fiber of his being was telling him to go after the omega in distress.

"Well, I probably wouldn't need to be here if you just answered my texts", Camie said.

"Cause I know what you want to say, that you want to get back together but that shit ain't happening", Katsuki said.

"Actually, it's the far opposite man. *sigh* Do you talk to Todoroki?", Camie asked.

"Not unless it's at practice ... why?", Katsuki asked. He suddenly became interested in the conversation when Camie mentioned his rivals name.

"Well, it's kind of a long story ... but to make it short, Todoroki asked me for a favor...", Camie paused. She was patting her finger pads together, scared of admitting the truth in fear that she was either to late or that something would happen to put her or Katsuki in danger.

"What is it?", Bakugo asked.

"...He asked me if I could go out with you back in high school", Camie said.

"Wait, what do you mean?", Bakugo said.

"*sigh* let me explain. Back in high school, me and Todoroki were friends, well more like acquaintances. Anyways, back in our senior year Todoroki talked to me about a 'proposition'. He said that if I was able to keep you 'distracted' he'd ... he'd help my partner achieve his career goal.", Camie said.

"Distracted? Partner? What the fuck are you talking about?", Bakugo asked. He was at a complete and utter loss of what he was being told.

"Katsuki-kun, did you know that Todoroki-san has a crush on Izuku?", Camie said. Bakugo instantly froze at the question, a sick feeling rising in his stomach at what Camie might continue to say. He gave a slight nod.

"Did you like Izuku back in high school?", Camie asked. Bakugo stayed silent.

"Now it all makes sense. Listen Katsuki, I'm afraid you or Izuku might be in danger.", Camie said, brows furrowed.

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