CH. 10

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Bakugo walked up to the park bench where Camie was sitting taking selfies.

Once Bakugo was done with handing out flyers for the team, he asked Camie to meet him at the park that is nearby the campus. Having Camie show up out of the blue was both good and bad for the alpha. It was good in the terms that he could finally break things off with Camie, since she has recently been difficult to meet face to face with. It was bad because she showed up at a bad time and seeing the look on Izuku's face as he walked away with Todoroki caused his chest to tighten at the sight; so he decided to make the best out of the situation. If he wanted to ask out Izuku soon then he knew he could not delay this any longer.

Bakugo took the empty seat next to Camie and looked out towards the small fountain in front of them; the noise and chatter from people walking by made it perfect to keep the conversation private.

"Hey Katsuki, what did you want to talk about~", Camie said as she slid over towards Bakugo, placing her hand on top of his.

Bakugo retracted his hand and placed his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"Quit the shit. I ain't doing this anymore", Bakugo said still looking at the fountain.

"Wh-what do you mean?", Camie asked startled at the alpha's aggression.

"I'm tired of playing your little game. This whole fantasy of yours is fucking annoying", Bakugo said with disgust written all over his face as he now turned to look at the omega.

"You can't be serious? You think you can do better than me?", Camie said gesturing to herself.

"Trust me, even if we were the last two people on Earth, mankind would go extinct cause there's no way in hell that I would want to be anywhere near you", Bakugo said. Camie stared at Bakugo's expression in shock. His brows were furrowed, a sinister smile and eyes that could kill.

"Heh~, I bet this is all because of that green haired boy at the booth earlier? I saw the way you were looking at him. I guess I could let you screw him; I'll let it slide this once. I hear he's real good in be-", before Camie could finish her sentence Bakugo aggressively shut her mouth by grabbing her jaw with one hand, gripping the bone rather harshly that it would be a surprise if Camie didn't have bruises on her jaw tomorrow morning.

"Don't you ever talk about him that way again or so help me I will kill you where you stand.", Bakugo said with an angry tone while releasing dominating pheromones; enough to startle the people walking around them. Camie at this point was releasing distress pheromones and tears began to form due to Katsuki's dominating pheromones while trying to free her face from the alphas grasp. Bakugo tossed her along the bench and stood up.

"If I ever see your face again, you're fucking dead!", the alpha said before he walked back to campus. Before Camie could stop the angry alpha, Katsuki was already far from her reach and just like that, Bakugo Katsuki and Camie Utsushimi were no more.

~With Izuku~

Todoroki and Izuku had class at the same time but different classes. Izuku shared a class with Shinso about exercise physiology while Todoroki was taking a foreign language course. After class, Shinso headed straight for his dorm. Todoroki waited for Izuku to get out of class and the two decided to get something to eat.

The two headed towards the coffee shop that they were going to hang out with their friends on the first day of school until Todoroki had to meet with his sister. They each ordered their own drink and a sandwich. Todoroki instinctively paid for the omegas food, and at this point Izuku was tired of trying to fight alphas from paying for his meals because of Bakugo, so he thanked Todoroki. As the two ate their meal, they talked about their day.

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