CH. 7

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"Izuku...", Katsuki said as he put his glass of water down on the counter.

"Kacchan...", Izuku said in an almost whisper. The two stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.

"Umm...", Izuku began to speak. "...I hope you're hungry. I bought us dinner.", Izuku said raising the bag of food for Bakugo to see.

"Ha! No way do you think I'm eating that crap", Bakugo said pointing at the bag of fast food. Izuku looked at him with a startled expression.

"Put that sorry excuse of food in the fridge; I'm making an actual meal. Give me another twenty minutes and it'll be done", Bakugo said as he pointed to the pots on the stove. He then walked off to his room to put a shirt on.

'Phew, he scared me for a second there', Izuku thought with a sigh. He then put the food in the fridge. It was the first time the boy had opened it and he saw all sorts of nutritious foods and ingredients. Izuku was quiet surprised how stocked it was.

Izuku sat on the island of the kitchen as he watched Bakugo cook. The blonde now had a black muscle shirt on. Izuku noticed that the blonde had grown ... bigger. His muscles had grown both in tone and size, his facial features were more defined, and he grew at least 3-4 inches in height. 'Wow ... I guess that's UA for you.' Izuku thought to himself.

He couldn't believe that he was rooming with Bakugo. He thought that athletes would be roomed together; just like how Todoroki is roommates with Kirishima.

As he watched the blonde cook diner, Izuku thoughts were scattered all over the place. So many things were going on through his head right now: about what the kiss meant, is Bakugo going to bring up what happened at the party, is Bakugo just going to play it off like nothing happened, are the two going to be able to become friends, is Bakugo going to confess that he feels the same way, is Bakugo still dating Camie, does Izuku have a chance now that Bakugo knows how he feels? So many questions were running through the omegas head, but one question in particular stuck out the most: 'Is this some sort of sign?', Izuku thought.

"Alright nerd, dinners ready", Bakugo said, snapping the omega back to reality. The blonde had made Katsudon for dinner.

"Wah~, Katsudon, my favorite!", Izuku said with a blinding smile. Bakugo blushed at the happy omega. He then poured the two a glass of water, grabbed some eating utensils, and sat down next to Izuku on the island.

Izuku put his hands together and said, "thank you for the meal." The greenette took a spoon full of rice and took his first bite. His taste buds exploded at the flavors dancing on his tongue.

"Wow Bakugo, this tastes so good!", Izuku said towards the blonde with a full mouth. He continued to eat the food at a fast pace.

"Woah woah, slow down there Deku. You don't want to get an upset stomach", Bakugo said as he took a bite of his food.

"Ah, sorry", Izuku said as he slowed down his chewing. The two continued to eat in silence, with only the sounds of kitchenware hitting each other and chewing being heard.

"Wah~ thank you for the food Bakugo; it tasted amazing~", Izuku said leaning back in his chair patting his now full stomach.

"Hmph, you're welcome", Bakugo said with a smirk as he placed the dishes in the sink; his alpha pride rising knowing that he could provide for his omega.

"Ah, I'll do the dishes since you made dinner, it's the least I could do.", Izuku said as he began to make his way to the sink.

"Don't worry about it, I don't want you breaking my dishes you klutz", Bakugo said with a chuckle. Once when they were kids, Bakugos parents had the two do the dishes after dinner. While washing, a cup accidently slipped out of Izuku's hands and crashed onto the floor.

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