CH. 25

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As Izuku was waiting for the pain from the piercing fangs being embedded into his flesh, the alpha's venom injecting into his scent gland ... there was nothing. There was no pain, no scent of blood, nor a "connection" being made. He had his eyes closed shut awaiting that feeling. He slowly opened his eyes to see that he was in between the two alphas.

"You bite like a bitch!", Bakugo said through gritted teeth.

Bakugo made it just in time to cover Izuku's scent gland with his hand, causing Todoroki to bite the back of the alpha's hand. Todoroki sunk his teeth into the flesh, thinking it was the omegas scent gland. When he felt a hard surface instead of a soft one, his eyes opened wide, and he instantly retracted his fangs. A dribble of blood falling down his chin as he let go of the omega and shakily took steps back.

"Kacchan!", Izuku yelled out, taking the alpha's wounded hand into his own.

The commotion that was happening at the park had people who lived around the park come out of their homes to inspect the sitiation.

"Excuse me, are you all alright?", one of the residents said.

Izuku panicked and quickly dragged Katsuki into the small forest that was behind the swingset; the residents came closer to the vicinity.

"Is everything alright? We heard a lot of yelling?", they asked.

Todoroki quickly wiped away the blood on his chin and turned around to give a smile towards the small crowd.

"Yes, it was just a small altercation", Todoroki said.

"Didn't sound small to me", another resident said.

"Indeed, but everything has been resolved", Todoroki said.

"What about the ones who ran into the forest?", the resident asked.

"Don't worry about them. They live a few blocks from here, they'll be fine", Todoroki said looking into the direction the two ran off to.

~With Izuku and Bakugo~

Izuku ran while holding onto Katsuki's wrist, making sure he didn't add any unnecessary pressure to the wound.

"Deku, you can stop!", Katsuki said.

Ignoring his advice, he continued to drag the alpha through the wooded area till he reached a(n) familiar area. Once arriving he let go of the alpha's wrist and collapsed to his knees, gasping for air.

It was a small open area. It was formed in a circle: no tress within it, just some wild flowers and a large rock. When the two were younger, they would often walk around the forest like area. One day they stumbled upon the open patch and decided to make it a 'base'. A place where they could play all day, a place to express their emotions freely, a place to just get away from the everday stess. When the two drifted apart, Izuku always came back to the area, hoping he could see Katsuki again and make amends. He would use the area to cry, to do homework, and listen to music under the night light.

"Izuku ... are you okay?", Katsuki asked kneeling down in front of the panting omega.

"Of course I'm okay! You protected! You saved me!", Izuku cried out as he flung himself into the alpha's chest hugging him.

"I don't know what would've happened if you weren't here", Izuku sobbed.

Katsuki hugged the omega tightly. He was trembling violently. Of course he would be, he was almost claimed by another alpha by force! Katsuki sat down on the soft grass and cradled the omega in his lap, rocking him back and forth.

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