CH. 11

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It has been a week and a half since Todoroki confessed his feelings to Izuku. Ever since then, the alpha has stuck to the omega like glue. During their shared classes Todoroki had now gotten to class earlier than Bakugo so he was taking the seat next to Midoriya. Sometimes after class, the alpha would accompany the omega wherever he went, even the restroom, and the alpha would send messages every hour they were apart. There were times Izuku would have to mute his phone just so he could sleep! He understood the alpha was trying to court him, but it was getting to be too much.

Finally, Izuku was able to find some quite time to himself without the alpha looming around him or bombarding his phone; he decided to spend his night at the library. He was sitting on a table at the back of the third floor, near a large window where if he looked out, he could see all the students and staff walking up and down the pavements of the campus. Izuku was sitting on a four-person table by himself; he had his laptop, his books, notes, and pencils spread across the table. He had earphones on listening to music while he studied. He adjusted his reading glasses as they were slipping from him constantly looking up and down from his computer.

Izuku had already finished his homework for the month of September's and October's for all his classes. He liked getting ahead on his studies and completing his work as fast as possible. He was currently working on his little research project. He wanted to figure out why he was only able to smell Bakugo's alpha scent and not any other alpha's. As he scrolled through various websites trying to find an answer, one article mentioned a phenomenon called "fated mates". 'Fated mates? What is that?', Izuku thought. He searched up the term and less than 10 pages showed up on the search engine he was using. He found an academic article titled The signs of a fated mate written by a professor at UA. 'Looks like this will be a good source', Izuku thought to himself. Before he could begin reading the article, he saw a strange notebook being placed onto his workstation. He looked up to see the owner of the journal.

"Huh, Kacchan?", Izuku said taking out an earphone.

"What? Got a problem with me taking a seat here?", Bakugo said as he took a seat in front of Izuku. He had been looking for the omega tirelessly since he didn't find him at the dorms. Since Todoroki was taking up a lot of his 'alone time' with Izuku, he had to find some way to spend some time with the omega. If he knew the omega, and he knew him well despite the years being apart, the first place he looked was in the library.

"No, not at all", Izuku said. Bakugo began to take out his laptop and pencil case; Izuku adjusted his belongings so Bakugo could place his stuff comfortably on the table. 'I'll  just read it later', Izuku thought to himself as he decided to work on more coursework.

The two continued to do their work in silence. Though most people may find the silence to be unsettling, the two males enjoyed the silence between them. Every now and then Bakugo would look up at the omega while he wasn't looking and admired how diligent he is with his studies. When he saw how hard at work Izuku was, he found his concentrating face to be cute; Izuku would do the same. When Bakugo wasn't paying attention, Izuku would admire how hard at work the alpha was. He adored how his brows furrowed as he concentrated on his studies, and the alphas sharp jawline as he rubbed his chin while he was concentrating. Izuku would slightly blush while looking at the alphas face. The two continued to work until the sound of a stomach rumbling disrupted their studying.

"Sounds like someone is hungry?", Bakugo asked.

"Oh yeah. Sorry, I skipped breakfast today.", Izuku said with a nervous smile while scratching the back of his head.

"Again!?", Bakugo said loudly. Izuku shushed him right away since they were in the library.

"You can't keep skipping breakfast! What about lunch, what did you eat?", Bakugo asked with a concerned look.

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