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3rd person p.o.v.


The bell on the door ringed. A (h/c) haired girl turned towards the door. She smiled, "Welcome to Yu-Topia Katsuki Hot springs, how may I help you?" She asked with a smile to the customer.

The girl turned around and instead of a customer it was her friends.

"So when are you coming to skate with us again?" Yuuko asked.

"When I don't have a lot of bills to pay." (Y/N) replied while cleaning the counter.

"You're not even living in your house, you're here with Yuri and his family." Takeshi said.

"Wait, you're going back home?" Yuri asked her. She put the cloth she was wiping the counter with down and looked at them.

"Yup! I feel like I'm over staying my visit. Plus I'm ok now so I can go back home." She said. She took the cloth and put it away.

"Its only been two weeks. I think you should stay a bit longer." Yuuko said leaning on the counter.

"Hey! I just cleaned that!" (Y/N) yelled faking she was mad. The four friends laughed.

"You know, the more you let time slide by the closer UA entrance exams will be and you won't be prepared." Takeshi told (Y/N).

"He's right, you want to go to UA don't you?" Yuuko asked. (Y/N) avoided eye contact with her friends.

"You still want to go to UA, right?" Yuri asked now concerned.

"I don't know. I have a lot to do here and being three hours away isn't going to help. I've got to go back home eventually and when I do I'll have to pay utilities. The money is going to come straight from my pocket. Lets not forget I need to clean the place so it doesn't fall down and I need food too." (Y/N) said sadly. Her friends just looked at her with a frown. They knew it was her dream to go to UA, yet with the current events her dreams seemed impossible. They were silent for a while. Then all of a sudden they heard a big boom sound. They ran out of the building and went outside. Gray smoke could be seen on the clear blue sky not that far away from them.

"Is it just me or did that sound like an explosion?" Takeshi asked his friends.

"Isn't that the direction of-" Yuuko was saying but got cut off by (Y/N). "My neighborhood." She said quietly. She started walking slowly towards the road in complete shock. "MY HOME?!" She yelled and started running.

"Wait! It could be dangerous!" Yuri yelled trying to get (Y/N) to come back.

"We should go follow her, she has been through so much. We need to be there for her in case it was something bad." Yuuko told Yuri and Takeshi. They nodded and started running behind (Y/N).

"I'll call Minako and tell her about the explosion and (Y/N) running towards it." Yuri said taking his phone out.

"Normally go run away from an explosion not right towards it." Takeshi said.

The (h/c) haired girl ran towards her neighborhood.

'Every thing is fine. It was probably some gas tank or something. Wait that still doesn't sound good. Everything will be fine.'

She thought as she ran. She got to her neighborhood after 10 minutes of running. She went down the street and ran towards her house. When she arrived she saw red fire trucks on the side of the road. The firefighters were taking a fire out with the hose. The girl stopped running and her eyes just grew wide. Everything around her was starting to fade. She didn't know how to react. Was she supposed to cry or scream? She didn't know what to do. She had ran for 10 minutes straight at a high speed. The adrenaline she felt kept her from stopping. Yet now it was going down and her head started pounding. She held her head and then all went black. Yet the last thing she heard before completely passing out was her friend, Yuri, calling out her name in worry.

House in a neighborhood here at Hasetsu had a recent explosion. Firefighters stopped the fire yet damage was still made. They state that the cause was an explosive which destroyed half of the house. The owners have been confirmed as the (L/N)s. (F/N) (L/N) head of the house, (M/N) (L/N) recently deceased lady of the house, and (Y/N) (L/N) their daughter. Neighbors have stated that they haven't seen (F/N) in a while and (Y/N) was luckily out of the house at the time the explosion went off. This event took place in the afternoon around 6pm.

Yuri, Yuuko, Takeshi, and Minako were in (Y/N)'s hospital room waiting for her to wake up.

"I'm going to take care of everything. The headlines won't die down so that is going to be a problem." Minako told the three teens.

"Didn't you say you were going to hire a hacker?" Yuri asked Minako.

"Don't worry about that, I'll handle all that stuff. All you three need to do is keep (Y/N) company. She is going threw a lot and the recent event isn't helping. Keep her mind off everything. Drag her to Ice Castle and do whatever it takes to convince her to go to UA." Minako told them. They nodded. They heard (Y/N) start moving and they turned to look at her. She opened her eyes slowly as they were adjusting to the light. She tried talking but she couldn't since her throat was dry. Minako went to her and gave her a glass of water. (Y/N) drank the water and she was able to talk once again.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"Hospital." Takeshi said.

"Huh?! Why?!" (Y/N) said in complete shock. All of a sudden she remembered seeing her house burning and she screamed. "MY HOUSE! MY MOM'S SHRINE!" Minako went up to her and hugged her as a way to calm her down.

"Calm down." Minako said. (Y/N) got calm but she was still confused.

"You're here because you exhausted yourself. You passed out after running 10 minutes straight, plus the shock also had something to do with it." Yuuko explained.

"But we got to thank you too. Because of you running like that Yuri chased after you. I don't think I've ever seen him run like that before. It worked in his favor, he got a little exercise." Takeshi said teasing Yuri.

"Shut up!" Yuri yelled at him

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now