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Todoroki's p.o.v.

~rewind to morning~

I was waiting for breakfast with the others when Bakugou got up to leave. Midoriya asked him where he was going and he replied that he was going to visit his family. Bakugou left without another word and the Bakusquad went back on their phones.

"That's weird Auntie Mitsuki doesn't really call for Kachan to go visit. When she does its for something special and usually Kachan doesn't go. Plus she doesn't text him, she calls." Midoriya said. I got on my phone and strolled through Instagram.

"So how are we going to find (Y/N)? We'll need her if we're going to make this crew." Ururaka said suddenly.

"We'll figure out a way to contact her. In the meantime I suggest having breakfast." Iida said coming out of the kitchen with the breakfast. We started eating and once we were done we moved out of the dinning tables and into the common area. Everyone was here, looking at stuff for the crew and thinking of names. I was on my phone once again. That's when I saw it. My eyes widen when I understood.

"Bakugou lied to us." I said

"What do you mean?" Midoriya asked.

"What I mean is Bakugou didn't go visit his family. He went to go see (Y/N)."

"How do you know that?" Ururaka asked me.

"Look." I showed them my phone and the picture (Y/N) posted. "She posted this last night and even wrote in the caption where she was. She wrote something about Katsuki's hot springs. I bet Bakugou knew she was there this whole time. I mean it is his hot springs." I said angry at the fact Bakugou lied to us.

"Wait, I don't think Kachan owns a hot spring." Midoriya said.

"(Y/N) said in her cation it was Katsuki's hot spring. Isn't that Bakugou's first name?"

"Well yea but I don't think he owns one. Unless he secretly opened one. Where is it located at?" Midoriya asked.

"Uh, some town named Hasetsu. Its three hours away from here." I said looking at my phone.

"Isn't that (Y/N)'s home town?" Iida asked.

"Yea, it is." Midoriya said.

"Why doesn't Todoroki go look for her? He was her skating partner so I'm sure that if he goes and asks her to join our crew she will say yes. Skating is her passion." Tsu said.

"Ok I'll go. I'm going to ask her to join as well as confront Bakugou for lying." I said. I headed out and went to my car. I started driving with one destination in mind. Bakugou's hot springs in Hasetsu.

~flashback over. Now to real time. Quick reminder, the class in confronting Yaoyorozu for lying~

Todoroki's p.o.v.

All Yaoyorozu had told him was now a lie. He glared at her and went up to her.

"I want the truth. Back then when I told you about how I felt around (Y/N) you said it was her manipulating me. What were those feeling really about?" I asked her with a glare. She glared back.

"I will never tell you the truth. You're so emotionless that you don't even recognize those feeling without help. You're just an emotionless zombie. I don't even now how I started to like you. I want you to know one thing, all of (Y/N)'s misery was caused by YOU. It was all YOUR fault." She said and started to laugh. "You fucked up pretty badly that she won't ever forgive you. Even your father helped." She continued saying. My eyes widen in shock. She told him, that's why he talked to me back then. That's why he took me to see (Y/N)'s supposed father. It all made sense now.

"You're really messed up. You even got my father in your little scheme?! I FELT CARED FOR BY HIM FOR THE FIRST TIME YET IT WASN'T REAL! HE SAID HE CARED BECAUSE YOU PLANTED IDEAS INTO HIS HEAD! IF ANYONE MANIPULATED ME IT WAS YOU!" I yelled at her. Tears started to come out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't get to be sorry. I'm leaving, I'm going to try to make things right. Don't try following me." I said. I walked out of the dorms and went to my car. I drove to the Todoroki estate. I got out and knocked on the door.

"Hello how may I, Shoto?! What are you doing here?!" Fuyumi asked me shocked to see me.

"How you been sis?"

"Come in." She opened the door and stepped aside so I could get in. I walked inside.

"Yo Fuyumi, who was it?" I heard Natsuo ask her.

"Its Shoto."

"The heck? Why is he here?" He asked as came into the living room from the kitchen. Fuyumi sighed.

"He is welcome here, this is also his home after all." Fuyumi said.

"I know, I meant why?"

"I just wanted to leave. It was confusing being there." I said.

"Whats wrong, you know you can tell us anything. We're here for you." Fuyumi said. "I can tell something is wrong." Tears started falling out of my eyes as I heard her say those words. I hugged her and cried. She rubbed my back and hugged me back. Natsuo left and came back a few minutes later. He handed me some tea and we all sat down at the couch. I told them everything. About my feelings towards (Y/N), about Yaoyorozu's 'advice', the incident, dad's 'advice', and everything after that till now. I told them I was confused and that I messed up really bad. I told them how I might of broken (Y/N)'s dream for being stupid and listening to dad and Yaoyorozu. I told them EVERYTHING. They listened and comforted me.

"Why didn't you come ask me before asking Yaoyorozu?" Fuyumi asked me.

"You were busy at the time and I didn't wan to bother you."

"Shoto, I'll always have time for you. I'm here for you. And if you really didn't want to bother me you could of went to mom." She said. I mentally slapped myself for not thinking that before.

"So what do you feel towards (Y/N) now?" Natsuo asked me.

"Well I'm confused. I feel like hating her but when I think about it I never had a reason to. Whenever I think back to a year ago I get confused. Its like a part of me knows Yaoyorozu lied but the other part still wants to believe Yaoyorozu. But recently I went to see (Y/N). We talked and I felt happy around her." I said thinking back to the talk I had with her.

"I can tell you're really confused, but I will tell you this. Your feelings you had for her a year ago were love. You liked her and you never realized it. Someone else gave you the wrong prescription for your feelings so now your confused. They made you believe that love was manipulation. So when you were being manipulated you didn't even realize it." Fuyumi said. I sighed.

"Wait prescription? Hey Natsuo why would someone take *insert random medicine name because author can't think of one because maybe the disease was made up*?" I asked

"Well *random medicine* is normally taken for leg problems. Could be taken to help relax the muscles or a treatment for a rare leg disease. Depends on the dose." He explained.

"Do you think you could do me a favor?"


"Could you check (Y/N)'s medical records?"


"When we talked I saw a bottle of prescribed medicine behind her. It was like she was trying to hid it."

"If she was hiding it then you shouldn't poke your nose. Also isn't that illegal?" Fuyumi asked.

"It is, but dad looked at her background history and found out her dad was in prison and her mom was dead." Natsuo said

"Please Natsuo, if you do it and tell me then I might find a way to make it up to her."

"Alright, I'll be a good big brother and do it."

"Thank you."

"I worry about you two you know. One of you is an idiot and the other is an, well you're both idiots. The only difference is that Shoto is kind of emotionless and a bit less of an idiot. I got it, an oblivious idiot."

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now