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3rd person p.o.v.

The door to (Y/N)'s room swung open and Minako went inside. (Y/N) didn't even flinch, she was just staring at the TV screen.

"Why haven't you left this house?" Minako asked.

"Don't want to."

"Look, Yuri, Yuuko and Takeshi are worried so they called me. I'm worried too, everyone is. Where's your dad?"

"Don't know."

"When did you last see him?"

"Mom's funeral."

"Has he came home?"


Minako sighed. She walked closer to (Y/N) and stood in front of her, blocking the TV screen.

"We are going to leave this place now and you can't say no."

(Y/N) didn't look up at Minako and just stared at where the screen once was. She turned around and grabbed a cup of noodles and started eating.

"Come on lets go. This isn't healthy."

"So? Its not like anything matters anymore. Mom is gone and so is dad. I decided to quit skating too." (Y/N) finally said. It was said in a mono tone voice but she said a full statement.

"You quit skating? Why?" Minako asked. (Y/N) sighed and put her cup down. She wrapped herself with her blanket even more.

"Mom was my coach, I can't skate without a coach. Now that she is gone I don't really have a meaning to skate anymore."

"Yes you do. Skating is something you enjoy doing. Your friends told me that you wanted to go to UA. You decided to make your mom's dream your own. If you ask me I'd say skating would help you feel close to your mom. Skating was something you both enjoy. Its a part of who you are." Minako told (Y/N). Her eyes widen, she hadn't seen it that way. She started crying and Minako hugged her.

"You still have us and we aren't going to let you waste your life. You're going to be a great skater and go to UA." Minako told her. (Y/N) cried as Minako hugged her.

"Lets make a deal." Minako said.

"What deal?"

"Come and stay at the Katsuki's place for a week. You can decide if you want to work there or not once you're there. After that week if you're feeling better you can go back to school. If you aren't feeling better then you'll stay longer."

"Alright, its not like you would of given me an option. Right?"

"Yup. So where is your dad?"

"I don't know. He stopped coming home a month ago."

"A MONTH?! Why didn't you say anything?"

"Well I didn't think much of it. After mom died he was out all day and almost all night drinking. I would hear him come home and straight to his room."

"We'll find him. Come on lets get you some stuff so you can go to the Katsukis'. I already spoke with them and they agreed." Minako said getting up from the bed. (Y/N) tried standing up but fell. Minako got worried and helped her sit.

"Are you ok?" Minako asked.

"I'm not sure. My legs feel numb." (Y/N) said panicking.

"How long have you been sitting down?"

"Ever since mom died. I've only gone to the restroom and back. When I bathed I would sit in the tub."

"Your legs might have gotten a bit weak from the lack of movement." Minako said. She kneeled down in front of (Y/N) and started moving her legs a bit. After a while she helped her stand. (Y/N) was able to stand and started walking slowly.

"You'll have to walk around and exercise your legs so they won't get paralyzed. Being in the same position for too long can be bad for you. Especially considering your leg problem." Minako told (Y/N). They packed a suit case and left to Yuri's house. Upon going outside (Y/N) covered her eyes from the sun. It had been a while since she last seen sunlight. Now that Minako saw her in a more lighted place she noticed how different (Y/N) looked. She was more pale and she had bags under her eyes. A shine that Minako had once seen in (Y/N)'s eyes was now gone. After a few minutes they made it to Yuri's home.

"Being inside for too long and not having a lot of movement damaged her legs a bit. However if she moves around a bit I'm sure she'll go back to normal." Minako informed Mr and Mrs Katsuki. Yuri and Mari were there as well.

"Then how about you help around the hot springs. I'll pay you." Mr Katsuki asked.

"Sure, I'll help around."

"So where is (F/N)?" Mrs. Katsuki asked.

"I don't know, he hasn't come home for a month. I think he left me alone. The money would help pay some of the house bills so thank you." (Y/N) said. She was sad but tried to hide it.

"Its ok to be sad, don't hide it. You still have us and we won't leave you no matter what." Yuri told his friend. She smiled at him and thanked him

The following week (Y/N) had been walking around helping customers. Her legs were better now but the damage was made. She could feel her legs tiring out faster than usual. She decided to stay with the Katsukis one more week before she went back to school. Yuuko, Yuri and Takeshi convinced her to go to the ice rink the day before she went back to school. She had a bit of trouble considering her leg condition, but after five minutes she was able to skate once again. She went back to school the following. She decided to turn in her high school paper since she still had it. The teacher looked at her once he was UA Dance Academy was her top choice.

"You do realize they have a strict acceptance rate?"

"Yup, but I believe I'll make it. My mom believes in me and so do my friends." (Y/N) said proudly.

"Then you better start practicing." The teacher said with a smile. He was glad (Y/N) was back and feeling better.

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now